chapter 2.

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❝ yours is the light by which my spirit's born: - you are my sun, my moon, and all my stars.❞

- e. e cummings.

 e cummings

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It had been a few weeks, but Y/N had finally gotten back to full health, having eaten proper cooked meals, being able to sleep in a proper futon. They didn't expect to stay for so long, but they liked the warmth they got from being with Keiko and Hansuke, so they decided to indulge themselves a little while longer. It reminded them of something, but they couldn't remember. It was as if there was a massive stormy cloud blocking out the memories, they wished to remember, but the stormy cloud wouldn't budge and it slightly scared them, as they knew whatever was behind the cloud, was something that their mind felt was too much for them to remember. It was protecting them.

Y/N heard a small knock, looking over at the sound from their place at the table in their temporary room to see Keiko, who gave a small smile, "Dinners ready, Y/N-chan."

Y/N nodded to show their acknowledgement, slowly getting up and following Keiko. Y/N was debating whether to tell them that they were leaving, or to go in the middle of the night, or maybe whenever they're busy during the day and leave a note. They wanted to thank them for their hospitality, as not many people would take in an orphaned child.

With a soft sigh, Y/N made up their mind. Sitting down across from Hansuke, they all said their thanks for the meal before picking up their chopsticks. 'Maybe it's best to tell them and thank them.' They thought, 'It's the least I could do, and I wish I could stay here for longer, but I need to continue searching for whatever my mind is telling me to search for. All I remember is the cold feeling, the pink and purple auras, but also the warmth that I felt with whoever it was.'

"I will be leaving tomorrow." Y/N spoke after putting down their chopsticks, still not used to eating a lot, "I wanted to thank you for everything you've done for me."

Keiko frowned before looking at Y/N, "Are you sure? You're always welcome to stay as long as you want." Hansuke nodded along, agreeing with his girlfriend, "Keiko-san is right, Y/N-chan. We don't want you going out alone."

Y/N let a small, almost unnoticeable smile cross their face, shaking their head. They felt as if it were right to leave, the time they spent with the couple was fun, as if felt familiar, from what they were guessing were from their suppressed memories of what they would assume were their family.

"No, I feel as if it's best if I leave, it feels like fates pulling me somewhere." Y/N disagreed, "I appreciate all that you two have done for me, Keiko-san and Hansuke-kun. I don't think I could ever repay you for this, but I must get going."

"I guess there's no stopping or persuading you, Y/N-chan," Hansuke muttered before raising his voice a little, "If you ever need a place to stay, our house is always open. Both Keiko-san and I will be here."

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