chapter 9.

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❝ move your legs forward
surely, to some sunny place,
you'll eventually arrive
surely, you'll be able to laugh together. ❞

- from the edge, fictionjunction ft. lisa


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It has been a few days, but Y/N had made impressive progress in learning Moon Breathing. Every time they would get stuck, a voice in their head would call out a specific form, and they would do it instinctively, almost like they had done it before. It was strange, but it helped them progress faster than usual.

"Two hundred push-ups, Y/N-san!"

Just because they had figured out their breathing style does not mean they would let up the physical aspect of their training – Kanae made sure of that. Gyomei was off on another mission while Kanae had gotten back a day ago.

The day after Y/N had figured they could perform Moon Breathing, they sent a letter to Kagaya and Kanae. After some thought, the slayer-in-training sent one to Urokodaki, as while they weren't as close, they were considered friends (they just got along well!), and Kanae had come up to Gyomei's estate to see them. She also brought along Shinobu, who was doing her training somewhere else.

"Good job!"

Y/N slumped in the group, looking at the blue sky as the sun shone on them. It's not like it tired them out anymore; it's just effort. They wanted to practice Moon Breathing. And as if Kanae could read their mind, they called them over, "Y/N-san, come on! We'll practice your breathing style, you lazy oaf!"

Y/N immediately got up, a burst full of energy filling them, and ran over to Kanae, who had her usual smile. Kanae threw a bokken at them, Y/N catching up with one hand and getting into position. They knew about six forms of Moon Breathing right now, and Y/N had been paying attention whenever they performed them so they could write them down in their diary so they didn't forget.

"Flower Breathing: Fifth Form: Peonies of Futility."

Y/N heard Kanae mutter, seeing her race forward, but it was as if she were in slow motion, so Y/N quickly uttered, "Moon Breathing: Second Form: Pearl Flower Moongazing."

They deflected all the oncoming attacks by Kanae, crescent moons filling the area where they were sparring—twisting their body around as Kanae fluttered to different angles to attack Y/N. Just as Kanae was about to hit them with her last attack, they blocked it, holding the bokken against Kanae's. They pushed back against Kanae, the crescent moons moving with their blade, and, in the blink of an eye, stood behind Kanae, sending continuous attacks again her, Kanae struggling to keep up with how fast Y/N was.

Kanae used her foot to push Y/N back, giving them a bit of space between each other.

"You're getting faster!" Kanae observed, a glint of pride in her eyes, "Very good, perfect!"

𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫 𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐭, var!kny x readerWhere stories live. Discover now