25-🔞Contract Terminated🔞

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Author POV

Jungkook asked Jimin, if he would be with him without no contract, it made him realize his Master just might love him already and he just doesn't know how to say it.

He's aware he's been different expressing it another way he's seeing Jungkook is a complicated guy but at least his feelings are coming up to the surface.

"Master of course I would be with you without any contract I told you, i love you" Jimin answered happily feeling his heart beating loud about to burst that this might actually be going somewhere.

"I'm so happy you would say that" Jungkook said, hugging Jimin tight he knows what's his next step.

Cancel all the other subs and terminate their contract to be only with Jimin and no one else.

Jungkook thought he would like for Jimin to live with him and that he can leave his house empty for now, but he's not going to permit for him to be over there alone as he just might pull one of his crazy stunts.

He also knows Taehyung is after Jimin so he has to protect him one way or another since he's not an option anymore but his main sub.

Jungkook POV

I'm happy Jimin accepted that means I can really see he does want to be with me, he doesn't have to be obligated by nothing.

"Jimin why don't you come to work with me, spend there's day together we can terminate the contract in my office" I said, my mind already thinking I just might fuck him there too.

"Really Master!" He said jumping on me being a giggling mess I see I've made him happy.

"I like hearing you laugh it's beautiful so you'll always be my Kinky boy? My and only sub?"

"Yes Master, I don't think I could ever call you Jungkook anymore you'll be my Master forever!!" Jimin replied, making me feel little things jumping in my stomach.

It's exactly what I was thinking i don't need anyone to satisfy my kinks because I have someone now who gives in to my every sexual desire Jimin is all I want wrapped in one person.

"Baby you can call me Master all you want, I would love that but in front of people call me Jungkook ok, things are changing if you call me Master people might think you're just my sex slave and look down on you I don't want that people have to respect you because you're going to be with me now, that's only for us in private"

Me not even believing what I just said any other time, anyone calling me Master in public would cause me extreme satisfaction making me feel powerful, I would smile smugly not giving a fuck for people to see I had power over that person and they submit to only me.

Now I realize I'm going soft? What has Jimin done to me?? I really am feeling love maybe I felt it already and didn't know, the things I was feeling were misguided in my mind thinking it was something else.

I thought it was all sexual but really what my mind wanted was, his touch, his presence, his body on mine and his never ending kisses.

Has Jimin come to tame the beast inside of me? To make me stop having multiple people to satisfy my non stop sexual thirst and just immerse myself and dedicate all my time and emotions him.

Is Jimin the one I've been looking for the one I thought I would never find? I'm not a person who can be dominated but he's dominating my feelings changing my dark world and my dull life, making me feel alive not like an emotionless zombie, the one I've always been who wouldn't give a fuck about nobody but myself.

𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓚𝓲𝓷𝓴 𝓐𝓭𝓭𝓲𝓬𝓽  21+(𝓙𝓲𝓴𝓸𝓸𝓴)𝓞𝓷-𝓖𝓸𝓲𝓷𝓰Where stories live. Discover now