Chapter SeventyEight

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"You alright?" I jump and a hand goes to my heart as it jumps too. I had completely forgotten that Banks was waiting right outside the door.

He remains where Hex and I had left him and his face is in anguish. Even with the door closed, the audible sobs of Harley can still mutely be heard and I have no doubt that it's ripping Banks' heart out as he refrains himself from bursting in the room and comforting her.

"Yeah, yeah I'm alright -" but my voice doesn't portray the strength I had hoped it would. Instead, my voice breaks mid-sentence and I struggle to get the second half out. "- That was tough" I sniffle and tears well in the backs of my eyes as I take a seat on the floor of the hallway, across from Wyonna's door.

"Mhm" Banks agrees and continues to stand where he had the entire time.

The sick and curious part of my mind wanted to ask him if he knew anything about where Hex had been or what he was doing the night I dragged him home. They seemed to have got close recently and Hex had gone to Banks before for help in hunting down Amos and Ace and I wonder if maybe he had done it again. But I refrain; now is not the time and honestly I don't think anytime after tonight will be the time to talk about it.  The last thing I should be worried about is wondering where Hex had been and instead I need focus my attention on trying my best to help him get through the difficult time that's looming over us.

Harley's cries slowly fade behind the door and I wonder how long until they get loud again.

I don't know how long I sit there but when I look up at the click of Wyonna's door, it's light outside and more people are walking in and out of other patients rooms. It must have been hours that had passed but it felt like mere minutes that I had zoned out for.

Banks seems like he had been unable to sit the entire time as he paces the hallway with his arms crossed, gaining looks from the other patients in the hospice.

I look up as the door opens and Harley emerges first. Her face is tear stained and she's ghostly white as she wraps her arms around her waist when I see her hands shaking. Her eyes are rimmed red as they search for Banks, not landing on me once.

Banks quickly makes his way to her and wraps his arms around her tightly, turning her away from the view of other people in the hallway and I hear her begin to cry again.

I hadn't heard anything or seen anyone rushing into Wyonna's room like I expected them to. I don't know... I thought maybe that if she passed they would attempt to bring her back but the more I think about it, the more stupid it sounds. Her body and mind are gone and there is no one and nothing that can bring her back.

Hex appears in the doorway, his eyes finding mine immediately.

My eyes move past him but be closes the door before I can see inside and I stagger to my feet.

He's in a similar state to Harley; eyes red, pale and shaky as I walk on legs that fill with pins and needles but I still make it to Hex and hold him tightly to me.

He blows out a heavy breath into my hair and then holds it and I know he's trying his best to not cry.

His hands fist my hair and my jumper, pulling me so tightly into him that I struggle to breathe but I don't mind. His shoulder hides the tears that form in my eyes at the sight of seeing the siblings so distressed.

No words are exchanged as we part when Harley is suddenly beside us.

The siblings hug goodbye to each other and Hex places a kiss to the top of her head.

They had drifted and had their differences in the last few months but they had put that aside for the sake of their mother.

"I'll call you later" Hex croaks out as Harley pulls back and nods, remaining silent.

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