Chapter 30 - Law & Order

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Chapter 30 - Law & Order

Sef stayed on the training dome for most of the day.

He hit a mummy on the side of its head with his staff, watching as his was-scepter buried itself on the mummy's head as sand and dust poured out of the hole before dissipating.

The Egyptian turned back, slamming his staff on the sandy ground as he commanded in ancient Egyptian, "Burn!"

Flames began erupting from the ground in circular columns, like a water geyser made of fire as it began scorching the mummies that were approaching him. He turned once again as he jumped and used his staff as support as he kicked the mummy beside him. He pulled out his staff as he hit the next mummy with intensity. It went on for a few minutes as he began releasing all his pent-up anticipation because damn, he missed being back in the battlefield. Five days of being stagnant in bed sure made him more excited at being back in the fighting again, simulated or not.

The ground shook in deep intensity as Sef slammed his staff once again in the ground.

But oddly enough, it wasn't him who caused it.

A mountain of sand began rising right across him, forming a definite shape that made Sef's throat bob in slight anticipation. It wasn't part of this simulation.

"Sef..." a long slightly familiar sound hissed across him. Right where the sound came from, the mountain of sand began dripping downwards in a landslide-like motion, slowly revealing a predator's eyes.

"A-Apophis?" Sef asked, taking a few steps back in fear. Around him, lumps of sand began forming in the ground.

"Yes..." the serpent replied, once again extending the S's in its sentence, "How are you magician?"

Like before, the sound of two sandpapers scraping each other filled Sef's ears again. Except this time, he was beginning to see the entire thing instead of kissing down the sand.

"What do you want?" Sef asked with a brave façade. He upped his posture, scepter clutched tightly on his hand-the Sha symbol on top glowing in bright red.

The Egyptian might not have seen it through the sand still covering Apophis, but he swore he could see the snake-like smirk the serpent wore.

"Freedom, my dear magician," Apophis replied, "I want freedom."

"You're free in the deeper levels of the Duat," Sef reminded him, a frown on his face. Something wasn't right here.

"I want more!" The serpent exclaimed, raising its sand covered-head a few more feet. Its thick body structure casted a dark shadow over Sef, fully covering the stimulated sun by the Dome. "And not even you are going to stop me from having it!"

Sef took huge steps backwards. "What in your evil name do you even mean by that?!"

Apophis bared its long thick fangs at him, the tip of it glowing slightly. It was as thick and as long as Sef's body frame, and certainly one literal lunge for him and he could get impaled. No need for snake poison.


A huge ball of golden light hit the snake in the torso and made huge gaping hole on it. Sef thought at first that the simulated sun attacked the serpent, but when he peeked through the hole, he only saw Lady Quinquintet with her right arm and fingers outstretched, glaring at the head of the huge snake-which was now looking at her.

"Worthless deity!" Apophis might as well curse her very existence with a few words, "You are barely a goddess!"

"And you're barely even real," The goddess of memory countered, releasing another huge ball of golden energy that hit the serpent right in the head, "Disperse!" she said in ancient Egyptian.

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