Chapter 15 - Star-Spangled Universe

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Chapter 15 - Star-Spangled Universe

Adrian stood on the side of the window in the lobby that night.

Somehow, sleep wouldn't visit him at all and he found himself wondering back to the lobby. Felicia gave him an odd look on his way here, probably wondering why he was still awake. But he tried his best to remain passive.

The number of people lessened compared to the number of people here earlier when they arrived, probably because of how late it was. In a way, Adrian wished that this universe's magic that D spoke of earlier wasn't removed. That way, he would be sleeping soundly tonight and not standing on this spot.

He remained watching on the endless darkness that reflected on the window, where stars were sprinkled across the sky. Two huge celestial bodies were nearby, probably a few kilome—No, light years away from this hotel-like building.

Adrian didn't know how someone like him could live in a place like this. And he wasn't sure if he wanted to live here yet. The guy earlier, Lionel, might have already implied that he and Aldrin were to stay here for a long time.

He wasn't sure what to feel about this place yet. It was homey and comfortable, but there was just something wrong with the place. He still felt like an outsider here.

Adrian wouldn't admit it out loud, but a smaller percent of the reason why he hung out with his twin during High School was because his twin was popular, being part of the basketball team—their captain, even. And being with his twin would make him feel like he belonged in the crowd as well.

He might've been the smarter one between the two of them, but in high school, Adrian was known as Aldrin's twin.

But even then, Adrian could live with that. It was better than nothing.

"Can't sleep?"

Adrian nearly jumped out of skin when D spoke behind him. Turning around, he glared at the other boy, who was smirking at his reaction.

"Don't do that."

Devon just rolled his eyes and smiled. "It was funny, though," he said, standing to the other side of the window, looking at the star-filled sky the same way Adrian did earlier.

Adrian just stared at Devon as the other boy gazed at the window. His eyes were dark blue, but it was bright enough that it stood out from his pale face. Adrian was used to reading them before, and he always knew that D held secrets from him, even until now actually.

His naturally curious brain wanted to know them, of course.

But after today, he was quite confident that he'd explode when he discovers another large secret hanging behind D's eyes.

Apparently realizing that he was being stared at, D looked at Adrian at the corner of his eyes and quickly looked back at the window. "What?" he asked.

Adrian shrugged and looked out to the window.

"I'm guessing you can't sleep, either?" he asked.

Without looking at him, Adrian knew that his best friend rolled his eyes at what he said.

"You're only figuring that out now?"

Adrian chuckled. "Don't get all sassy with me."

"It's not like you aren't used to it," Devon countered.

"Well, I am actually," Adrian replied, looking at Devon pointedly, who wasn't looking at him at all. Their distance was close, probably within arm length. And Adrian saw the way Devon's eyes reacted to everything he said.

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