Chapter 4 - Dreams

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Chapter 4 - Dreams

Devon met Nyx again on his dreams that night.

He was at the House of Night, in Erebus's office, the man himself standing behind Nyx, who sat on her husband's supposed chair like she was the boss. She was leaning forward, her head supported by both of her hands which in turn was supported by the obsidian desk in front of her.

Devon, who was in front of the said desk, quickly kneeled down to show respect.

"Lady Nyx," he quickly said, upon realizing he was facing his patrons.

The primordial goddess just gave him a kind smile. "Devon, please," she said, "Have a seat."

Devon looked up before he stood up, taking a seat in one of the chairs in Erebus's office.

The place didn't look any different from the time he was there two years ago. The same obsidian walls, with Greek letters and some ancient images sculpted in them. Some moved occasionally, while some of those images remained as they were.

Neither Nyx nor Erebus hadn't changed at all either. Lord Erebus still remained rugged and handsome with his tall, muscular demeanor. His dark hair and eyes looked as empty as the empty night sky did. Meanwhile, Nyx remained beautiful with her slightly wavy hair and her bright blue eyes. She looked even prettier at the gentle smile she wore tonight.

"How are you?" Nyx asked him, her smile not going away, "It had been years."

"I'm okay, I guess," Devon admitted, shrugging. "Apollo kept his word, and in turn, I kept my own."

Nyx's smile faltered a bit. "That's good, sweetheart," she said, "But I fear your peacefulness won't last for long."

Devon frowned at that. "Why not?" He asked. It was a pity, he'd been enjoying his peacefulness ever since that night. Not to mention, his task didn't really feel like a task.

"Trouble's stirring," Nyx simply replied.

"The one a few years ago?" Devon asked, "It continued?"

"It never stopped," Nyx said, "Monsters upon monsters tried to go near you, Devon. Especially now that you're guarding people with you. You're lucky Apollo's warriors were there to back you up."

Devon frowned thoughtfully. He never realized how Apollo made an effort to help him. He could handle himself, but the persons he was meant to protect still looked like they wouldn't be able to carry themselves just yet. Especially in battle.

"So, what do we do?" Devon asked, his alertness back.

"It's coming in a few more days," Nyx warned, "You have to be careful. Protect yourself, and the same with the twins. Danger is getting near you."

Normally, Nyx would've smiled at his alertness regarding danger. But the way her frown only deepened at his situation, it made Devon realize the fact that things were getting more serious.

He nodded, determined. "I will, Lady Nyx. I won't disappoint you and Lord Erebus."

Erebus, always the silent one, gave him a nod of encouragement. Nyx, meanwhile, took a deep breath first before she regarded him with another thoughtful look.

"Be careful, our champion," she warned, "We're not yet in the beginning, but things are going to get worst."

Devon nodded, before he stood up once again in front of the obsidian desk and kneeled in respect.

He closed his eyes. And when he opened them, he was back in his room.


"I felt something," Finnian suddenly announced.

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