Chapter 36 - Warning: (UN)Safe Haven

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Chapter 36 – WARNING: (UN)Safe Haven

Devon was floored.

"Hello, fools," Haven said from his place on the landing. He wore a smug smirk on his face, with an evil aura that was emanating from his body in waves, clearly not matching the Council uniform that he wore. His eyes were wide open, in complete contrast as before, with his bright green orbs mocking at them from his spot.

Devon was seriously regretting the fact that he didn't pull those eyes close when he had the chance.

"What do you want from here?" Devon asked, sounding every bit as if he was the lord of the house. Even he felt chills running down his spine from what he sounded like, but that was good. He was the son of the darkest deities in the Greek Universe, he ought to show Haven that now.

"It doesn't matter," Haven replied with an irritating tone, a smug smirk plastered on his face. If he wasn't that irritating when he spoke before, he was now. "We already got what we wanted, anyway."

The telepath was tempted to ask more, but he knew that would be in vain. The man wouldn't talk even if he was forced, and Devon knew Asteria was still in the mansion somewhere.

They had to get to her. Whatever she was looking for upstairs, they needed to stop her.

He wanted to find a way out of there, but before he could think of a plan, a series of bright orbs came assaulting the pair from where they were standing.

Devon looked at the son of Apollo with a grateful smile, and he swore, if they were in a less dangerous situation, he would have kissed the other guy. Alas they weren't and Devon can only pull Adrian to one of the walls, creating a portal along the way. They almost missed Haven's shout of: "Attack them!" before they closed the portal.

The portal led them to one of the hallways of the second floor. Lord Erebus's magic forbids anyone from teleporting directly inside a room, unless one was to appear in the guest room, where the children of Lady Nyx and Lord Erebus would usually come and use that room as a porter—wait.

"I know where we have to go," Devon announced, pulling the still dazed and tired Adrian from his rest before they took off running again. The staircase that led to the landing was just on the other side, they had to get going if they don't want to be caught.

"What—dude, where are we going?" Adrian asked, pulling his arm away from the clutch of the telepath.

Devon felt a strange jolt of rejection over the action. But he didn't let on.

"The guest room," Devon replied to his question, "We're going to call for reinforcements."

There were more footsteps that caused a tremble on the ground, as Devon felt more creatures were going to come for them as soon as possible.

"First door when you turn right," Devon told Adrian, as he let the other demigod run faster, "Unlock it, I'll follow right after."


"Just go!" Devon almost ordered, as dark telekinetic energy began surrounding his hands in a wave-like pattern. Dark mist emerged out of nowhere and was beginning to surround their feet.

The telepath's bright blue eyes turned black as he waited for monsters to come up from the stairs. He was one of the masters of this house. He was not going to be stopped.

And so when the monsters came up from the stairs, Devon let them charge towards him before he released a strong telekinetic wave that pushed them all backward—letting them fall into a portal waiting for all of them that led back to the River Phlegethon.

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