School... Yay...

124 6 19

Tw; conversations of su*cide, survivors guilt, 


So I forgot to addd Niki in the whole thing last chapter... 
We're going to pretend that wasn't a mistake...


We're trying, okay? 

Wilbur thought as he walked into his school. This was his first day back since... Tommy passed away. The school had excused him and his brother for a while, and -with a lot of encouragement from the group- Techno and Wilbur were coming back for the first day today. 

We're trying. 

They walked into the high school. 

And everyone was staring at them. 

We're failing. Wilbur thought. Everyone knew, that was obvious. He and Techno had been labeled. They were now the boys with the dead brother. And everyone knew it. 

Dream, Sapnap, Karl, and George all met them at the entryway. "Hey guys!" Dream grinned. 

"Hey," Wilbur smiled worriedly. It was obvious everyone knew that everyone else was staring. 

Karl flung his arm over Wil's shoulders, leading the two brothers deeper into the crowd. The group chatted about nothing and everything, but it was obvious that everyone was whispering about the two boys. Techno was just ignoring them. No one messed with Technoblade. That was a fact. 

Wilbur, however, was. Everywhere he went that day, people stared, whispered, and  even asked him questions. A few kids asked him how his brother died. One even asked if he had killed himself. 

"What?" Wilbur demanded. 

He shrugged. "Just asking." 

"No!" Wilbur cried. "No he didn't! It was an accident!" 

He shrugged again. "Damn, I lost the bet." 

He ran off, and Wilbur was stumbling. He didn't care that he technically was supposed to be in a class in the next two minutes. He ran, trying to just get away. 

He ended up getting stopped by one of his teachers, Mr. Ponk. "Woah Wil! What's wrong?" 

Wilbur was hyperventilating, tears streaming down his face. "I can't- I can't- I-" 

"Breathe Wilbur, take a breath." Mr. Ponk said. 

"He didn't- It didn't- It was- An accident!" 

"I know, Wilbur. I know. Beck, go inside and tell the students to sit down and start their projects. I'll be in there in a minute." 

"I'm sorry!" Wilbur sobbed. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm so so sorry. I'm sorry." 

"It's alright. It's okay. Breathe Wilbur. Breathe." Ponk tried to get Wilbur to stand up, the poor kid had collapsed, and get somewhere more... private. But Wilbur wasn't moving, wasn't thinking. He was just... there. "Breathe with me, Wilbur. Breathe with me." 

"I can't!" Wilbur sobbed. "I need my brother!" 

Mr. Ponk spoke into the walkie talkie. "L-M-H 5 to L-M-H 1, can you have Technoblade Watson come to my class?" 

"Right away L-M-H 5." 

Wilbur sobbed, curling up into himself. "Wilbur, breathe, okay? You're going to be okay. I know it hurts, but we're going to help you, okay? Alright? Come on Wilbur, breathe with me." 

Catbur Soot (Not a furry)Where stories live. Discover now