I was not always a monster

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I'm sorry. I was just thinking about when y'all didn't hate me for murdering a bunch of characters. Just thinking... 

Guess who realized that whenever they're descriptive they shouldn't feel like they're writing smut because people writing smut are much more descriptive because they want you to feel something unlike the rest of us who don't give a crap. 

What sits in the corner but can travel the world?

A stamp. 

I need you to stop please. 
This is not becoming a thing please....


A couple weeks after Technoblade had dealt with his hallucinations, the doctors deemed that the two boys would he able to go home. They were both on crutches and Technoblade still had a healing wrist, as well as medication for schizophrenia, to help with his hallucinations. (Yeah speeling hards)

Lol that's my job. 

Phil helped them both into the car and shoved their crutches in the back. "You guys set?" he asked. 

They both nodded, not really in the mood to talk. It had just been a day of constant paperwork and checking vitals and a bunch of stuff and they were both tired and just wanted to go home. 

Techno grinned at Wilbur. "It's been a while," he said. 

Wilbur nodded. "We look like a matching set," he joked. He was right, they both had casts and scarring/scabs. 

Phil rolled his eyes. "I'm glad you two are joking about this," he sighed. 

"For the record," Techno said  to Wilbur. "You're sleeping in my room for a while." 

"For the record," Phil amended. "You're both sleeping on mattresses in the living room for a while." 

"What? Why?" Wilbur demanded. 

"Because it's easier than your broken asses going up and down stairs!" Phil laughed. 

"Well sorrrryyyyyyy," Techno said with attitude. "Hey can we get McDonald's? I'm hungry." 

Phil shrugged. "Sure, but do you guys mind if we stop at the store? We've all been just surviving on hospital food for the last like two weeks so all the food is either bad or just not existing at our house. I could drop you off if you're not feeling it." 

"Oh my gosh please please please let us go somewhere I need to stretch my legs for like at least two minutes for the love of all things sacred Phil please," Wilbur begged. "I want to be somewhere that isn't that stupid hospital I was going stir crazy." 

"I agree," Techno added. 

"Okay," Phil shrugged. "But if you guys are getting tired or overwhelmed then just tell me and we can go." 

The boys agreed and soon they pulled into the grocery store. The three got out and had to figure out how to walk with the crutches (Since they used wheelchairs in the hospital) but it was soon smooth sailing. 

Phil wasn't going with a list, he was just letting the boys lead him down random aisles and getting foods they'd all liked before. He didn't have any meals planned, so he just let the boys drag him wherever. 

"I thought we had redbull?" he questioned as Techno hit a box frantically with his crutch. 

"Mmmmm not when I checked. I think you took the last one." Techno smiled as Phil grabbed the box and put it in the cart. 

Phil laughed. "I did not! I would have put it on the list if I did." 

"Well I didn't and Wil doesn't drink redbull so..." Techno pointed at Phil. "You're memory's getting weak old man." 

Catbur Soot (Not a furry)Where stories live. Discover now