The trials of Barney 3

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Alright can we just have a moment of silence for the cancellation of dead end? Thank you. Cuz I feel like they killed Courtney right in front of me.

Ok let's start :(

Luckily, he was able to flip az over.

"A surprise throw down against Asmodeus! The challenger- - Wait a minute, what's this?" Hox asked. "Huh, that looks like the 7th plane's hand signal for a time out." Courtney explained. "Looks like the thunder lizard is shredding his skin." Hox announced.

Barney took off his mask. The crowd gasped.

"He's a human!" Hox said shocked.

"That's right! I'm the, uh, living human! I come earth, home of witch finders, exorcists and vampire hunters! Cower before me and my fleshy, blood filled body." Barney cackled.

The crowd of started booing. "Oh, fuck you all!" You yelled, flicking the crowd off. "Y/n, stop that!" Norma yelled, pulling your hands down.

"Oh, he's hideous!" Jojo exclaimed. "You get used to it after awhile. Though, some of them are really hot!" Courtney blew you a kiss and you pretended to catch it and place it on your heart.

"This is unheard of! A human fighting against the demon wrestling federation! Are you in the right place, son?" Hox asked concernedly. "I'm exactly where I deserve to be? You know why you don't have humans in your wrestling league?" Barney questioned. "A human wouldn't survive. Imagine the lawsuits!" Hox claimed. "No! You don't have humans in your league because you're scared we're gonna whoop your tails!" Barney yelled as he grabbed the camera.

Of course the crowd started rioting.

Hey, listen! If Barney the living human wants a fight, then I say let's give him what he wants!" Ax announced and the crowd was happy again.

"And this time bro, I ain't holding back." He smirked. He began shooting fireballs, but Barney skillfully dodged them.

"Now this is demon wrestling! Asmodeuas not landing any fireballs! The living human displaying impressive feats of agility!" Hox announced everything that was happening.

Suddenly, az slammed his fists against the floor, causing a huge impact.

"Whoa! What an impact!" Hox yelled as Barney jumped over the wave from the impact. He went in for the kill, but got blown back by az's breath.

"Asmodeus unleashing his Minotaury breath! Oof! That's gotta be hot!" Hox assumed. "Aye bro! You need a breath ment?" You called, laughing. "Y/n, shut up! Are you trying to get attached?!" Norma glared.

"Barney! Is says he's vulnerable to swords made of polished silver! Do you have any of those?" Norma asked. "Norma, why would he have that?" You asked, dumbfounded. "Oh no, y/n! I have one, if you check in my gym bag, I've got OF COURSE I DONT!" He yelled.

"Leave it guys." Pugsley said. "What? We have to help him." Norma argued.

"Trust me. And trust Barney."

~after the fight~
Bro, I don't have the time or energy to write all that.😂 plus, it doesn't contain Courtney so you guys don't mind, right?

You and Norma held Barney up as you walked out the ring. Hox suddenly appeared beside the three of you.

"Wow kid! You put on a great show! Love the last minute reveal! It's honestly a pleasure to meet you." "We've met." Barney glared. "...You're gonna be the heel they love to hate boy! And if you wanna be part of the next season's rougues gallery, you better give me a call." He smirked.

"And the human outfit, ugh, so revolting!" Jojo added as they both disappeared and logs and Badyah ran up.

"That was incredible babe. Are you hurt?" Logs asked. "Nothing can hurt the living human! Wanna be on our podcast? Oh! And that reminds me, y/n! We still need you on their to describe what its like dating a demon!" Badyah exclaimed. "And I already told you, you couldn't pay me to do that!" You crossed your arms, knowing damn well that was a lie.

"Nice going b. Sorry you didn't qualify, but I think your time will come. See ya at practice?" Az questioned. "It's a date! I'll bring the
bro-tato chips!" Barney grinned. "What?!" "Maybe we can listen to bro-hemian rhapsody in the bro-tanical gardens. Here, land me hand you the bro-chure." Barney smirked.
"Woah! You've conquered the bro-cabaulary!" Az grinned as they did they did their little manly man handshake.

Logs crossed his arms, glaring at them. "Oooh, someone's jealous." You smirked. "I am not!" He blushed.

"The pupil has become the master. My work here is done." He said as he disappeared. "Wait! I need you to sign my card!" Courtney yelled, running over. "Sorry Courtney. You just missed him." Barney apologized. "No, not him. You." She said as she handed him a card with his picture on it.

"You know what this means, right? You're official. My brothers gonna be famous!"

My Angel~Courtney x fem! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now