Chapter 45

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Years later

When I heard the door open, I sighed and closed my eyes. I thought he was going to stay for a week, he was back a day early. I listened to his footsteps and knew when he was near because they got louder. Then the door creaked open and he walked in.

I felt noise on the bed and knew immediately that it was his jacket. He left the room and I let out a breath of relief, but not for long though.

"Why is it that you've not prepared any food?" His voice was gentle but I heard the threat laced beneath it. I stayed still, keeping up my pretense.


"I didn't know you were going to be back earlier than you said."

"So your husband comes home and instead of greeting him, you lie in bed and wait for me to talk to you first. I've been gone for a week and you don't care?"

"I'm sorry, I was just having cramps. I couldn't get up." I saw something in his eyes but he covered it up real quick.

"And you're the only woman in the world that passes through that? I just embarked on a tiring journey and I'm going to go and shower. Please prepare something before I'm done."

"Of course." I got up and made for the door but his voice stopped me.

"Why are you wearing lipstick?"

"I just came back from work not too long ago."

"You normally remove your make up once you get back from work. Why do you still have your lipstick on? Have you been seeing someone behind my back. What? When the cat's away the mice play?" He walked to the door to where I stood and held me by the jaw bringing my face up so that I looked at him.

"Is that what you've been doing? Whoring around?

"I came back from work not long ago and I still have my make up on because I was too tired and in pains to remove it. Seriously Jacob, if I was sleeping around, I wouldn't be home right now."

He looked at me and then put his thumb on my lip and wiped away the lipstick. Then he kissed me, I whimpered when he bit down on my lip but he didn't stop. He started messing with my buttons.

"Jacob stop." He ignored me while reaching inside my clothes. "Jacob stop." He unhooked my bra and started groping.

"I'm on my period Jacob." I bit out taking his hands off me. My heart was pounding hard then and I felt a headache.

My periods have not stopped him before and there was no guarantee that it would now, but I still let out
a breath af relief when he let stopped.

"Fine" He nodded moving to the bathroom,I!was trembling with relief as I reached back to close my bra.

I dished out the food and set it up on the table when he came down. I felt him behind me

"I'm sorry for earlier baby. I was tired and I took it out on you." He wrapped his arms around me and placed his head on top of mine. "Forgive me."

I nodded and sat down. There was nothing else to say, I've heard the same thing over and over again and I was tired.

"Adanna gave birth to her first baby. I passed by their house on my way home

"That's very nice. I'm happy for them." I took a sip of water and went back to my food.

"Don't you want children ? The look on his face when he asked me was sad but that too he hid immediately. I didn't want children. Not with him anyway. I sounded heartless but I couldn't bring myself to even think of having his children.

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