Chapter 40

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Four Years Later ~ August 20th

It's the early morning and the summer sun is shining brightly in my face. Now, I'm not going to be able to fall back to sleep.

I move my pregnancy pillow out of my way and slowly sit up. Sitting up like this doesn't help with my big belly in the way.

I get up and head out of the bedroom, glancing back at Harper who's still sleeping. If she knew I was up, she would be out of bed, and try to help me. There's nothing she can do to help at this point.

I slowly walk through the hall in my soft pink shorts and sports bra. Being 6 months pregnant is hard in this heat.

As I pass by Jaspers room, I peek in. Jasper is Harper and I's baby boy. He's currently two and l has both our face features. He has Harpers green eyes, my brown hair, Harpers noes shape, and my exact attitude! He's absolutely perfect and I just know he's going to be the best big brother to his little sister on the way.

I was pregnant with Jasper during September-May, two years ago, and thankfully it was right before the heat started... this is awful.

I slowly shut the door to his room and walk down the stairs, into the kitchen. The sun is shining through the curtains, making a beautiful casting of rays on the ground.

My stomach rumbles and the baby kicks, making me bend over in pain. I straighten myself and head into the fridge.

I've been eating so much avocado toast recently and the crazy part is that I hate avocados.

Like despise them.

I stand by the toaster as the sun from the blind on the right wall shines on me.

"Holy shit." I hear someone say in a whisper and I turn around to the stairs. Harper is in her Rolling Stones t-shirt (the same one she wore at the party when I first saw her), gray shorts, and her beautiful blond hair is up in a bun. "You look stunning, baby."

"Aw, stop it. Is Jasper still asleep?" She nods and kisses my cheek.

"How are my girls doing?" She kisses my belly, making me laugh.

"She's a little feisty this morning." I respond, taking the finished toast out.

Harper shakes her head. "I hope she's not giving mommy too much of troubles." Before I'm about to respond to the name she called me, Jasper yells.

"Momma!" He yells from his room as the baby kicks at my stomach. Harper goes upstairs for a quick second and is out the next as Jasper runs down the stairs and hugs my leg.

"Good morning, handsome! How did you sleep?" I ask, making my way to one of the island stools.

"Good... I have a question."

Harper looks over at me with a questionable look. "And what is that?"

"Can we go to the beach today?" Fuck, the beach. As much as I don't wanna go because of the heat and my belly, I can't say no to my precious boy. "Please?"

"Sure, go get your stuff ready." I respond and he runs upstairs after I just get done putting on the avocado.

Harper takes a seat next to me. "Surprised you said yes."

"Ah, I can't say no to him. Plus, I wanna finish my book!"

She shakes her head and places it on my shoulder. "You and your reading. You reading any of that porn on paper at the moment?"

I laugh, taking a bite of my breakfast. "Maybe a little."

"I still don't know how you do that shit." Her head shakes and she lightly kisses my neck. "I'll get your beach bag ready?"

"You don't have to."

"I want to and I will. Now finish eating and get changed."

The summer heat pounds down on my skin as we walk across the burning sand. We only live about 20 minuets from the beach and I would say we stay there for a good while. So, it's all worth it in the end.

"Is this spot good?" Harper asks as we near the water. I always like to have a good view just because I like watching the waves crash and just in case Jasper wants to play down there.

"It's perfect." We sprawl the chairs out. Harper places hers next to me and Jaspers next to her. If he's gonna bother anyone on the beach, it'll be Harper because she'll actually play with him.

He only asks me for snacks.

Harper sits down on the beach chair and lets out a sigh. "I can get used to this."

"You say that every time but then get antsy a half hour later because you need to do something."

She shakes her head. "Sorry I don't like to sit at a public beach and read vulgar porn."

I roll my eyes. "Just... sun tan or something." I don't need any more of her commentary on what I like to read in my free time. She acts like I haven't been reading smut since the age of 12.

After five quick minuets of Jasper sitting quietly on his chair, he suddenly jumps out of his seat and rushes over to us. "Can I please go play in the sand down there?!"

"Go for it buddy." Harper responds as a gummy smile appears on his face. He runs and grabs his shovel, sprinting towards the water and starts to dig. "Rosemarie, you know what I'm thinking about?"

"Tell me what's going through that beautiful mind of yours."

"Hey! That's my line!" It's true, she says that all the time to me. "Anyways, do you want me to tell you?"

"I would love you to."

She smiles over at me and places her sunglasses on the top of her head. "Remember years ago when we were sitting on my steps outside because you and Caroline got into that fight because of what happened with Jackson at that dinner and how were talking about our future about how it was going to turn out?"

I smile at the memory playing in my head. "And you said that when you look into your future I'm there because there is no future for you if it's not with me?"

"Yeah, and I meant every word." She tilts her head more towards me. "I was mainly thinking about how it was snowing and I said imagine us doing this in the future, but with a bunch of little children of ours running around and playing in the snow?"

"Oh yeah!" The memory comes flooding back and I can't help but blush. "I always wanted that."

"Well, look out in front of you." I look by the water to see Jasper playing with a little boy in the sand, smiling. "Doesn't it feel just like that?"

"Yeah, but it's the dead of summer."

"So?" She turns her attention back on me. "Our dreams came true."

I swallow hard, realizing that the future I had hoped for with Harper has now become my reality. "This is all I ever wanted."

"Me too, pretty. Me too."

In this moment in time, I realize that everything fell into place no matter how many bumpy roads we had to go down to get here.

In the end... I'm so incredibly happy that I fell in love with his sister.

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