𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟑.

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~ Adonis ~

I sealed the indenture with the stamp and signed the document, sensing Dionis's presence way before he announced himself through the mind link. 

"Come in."- I linked him, taking another indenture to read and analyse, and within a moment, the door of my study opened and my Beta bowed before coming in. 

"Duty calls at 8 o'clock in the morning. That is no fun."- joked Dionis, sitting down on the sofa that stands between the opulent bookshelves filled to the brim.

"Being the King is not fun if you haven't noticed."- I responded calmly, my eyes upon the paper in my hands. 

"Being Beta is not fun either, but the title definitely comes in handy every night."- he returned with a smug tone, the background meaning of the last few words clear and debauched. 

"Since you are not a fan of collecting bruit, I will enlighten you because you are my best friend."- tweeted Dionis with a grin as I kept reading documents and requests from the people.

"The people are now concerned about your health."- stated my Beta amusedly, reaching for the fine decanter with bourbon, and I glanced up at him coldly, unamused by his balderdash. 

"The concern evolves around the fact that it has been silent in the castle for the last 2 nights."- he indicated additionally, a sonorous and outraged growl vibrating in my chest, my beasts burning with fury at the ludicrous and fanciful thoughts of the people. 

"People are worried whether you are intact and will impregnate the Queen."- he dared to share the frivolous gossip further, silencing once a low, angry growl filled the room. 

"I am perfectly fine and the concerns that regard my mate and our pups are private and forbidden to be a matter of flighty and outlandish gossip. If I hear one more foolish whisper like that, I will not tolerate it."- I spoke aloofly and sternly, unwilling to let my beloved, her fertility and pregnancy be matters of someone's ridiculous, dense chatter.

"I will make sure people talk less, but you cannot blame them: it was heated in the castle for days and now, suddenly, it is quiet."- he said calmly, this time treating this as a fucking adult, not a tattletale. 

"Whether my beloved and I fuck or not, why, when, how or where is none of the people's concern."- I dismissed the conversation, willing to discuss sex only with my precious gift because it concerns solely the two of us.

"If you have nothing important or decent to say, get back to your commitments. I have no time for futile conversations."- I told him collectedly, returning to tending to my responsibilities. 

"I do have training with the troopers, but I will return to irritate you later."- tweeted my Beta, drowning the glass of liquor before leaving, behaving like a pup, in spite of being older than me. 

I continued working, hoping to finish with the administrative duties in time to join my miracle for the run that she was so excited about in the morning.

After a mere hour of silent work, I sensed Howard, the head of the Royal Guards, near my study. 

"Your Highness."- he announced with respect, bowing low before entering with my permission. 

"I have an important affair that needs your attention."- stated the chief of the Royal Guards, my eyes moving from the paper in my hands to the flourishing, beautiful, white rose that he placed on my desk. 

"Yesterday, when Her Highness was gathering flowers, she was stung by a thorn and bled."- he began, my beasts going mad with wrath, but I contained myself because my little star confessed to me about it later yesterday, in spite of me having suspected such a thing because I healed the scar. 

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