𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟑𝟒.

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~ Demetria~

Days went by too slowly or too fast, we couldn't understand it no matter how hard we tried.

Too slowly because the King was gone for far too long, the day of his arrival couldn't come soon enough. Too slowly because each new minute without the King dimmed something inside the Queen, hushed the sparkle inside her so much and so fast that we couldn't help but worry.

Too fast because Her Highness's belly began growing more these days. The medic was now residing in the castle to overlook the Queen's health and the well-being of the future heirs to the throne. Too fast because all this growth should be witnessed by the King, but he was gone, thousands of miles away from the only place, where he was meant to be.

"Any news from the King?"- I asked Howard, who now was second in command of the Royal Guards, after the Beta, and he shook his head while handing me the mail and papers for the Queen. 

"How is Her Highness? I heard she began tending to the administrative duties recently."- Howard asked in worry, sparing a brief glance at the large marble doors that led to the King's study - a place, where the Queen was spending most days. 

"She is doing everything she can to fill each free second when the King is busy with the Army."- I sighed and shook my head, but his shoulders tensed, making my worry arise. 

~ Crystal ~

I stroked my belly and gazed at it, occasionally smiling when my little pups would kick and push against my palms. 

"Your daddy loves you."- I murmured quietly, my thumbs skimming over my large, round belly as the memory of my mate listening to our pups' heartbeats each night warmed my heart. 

"He loves you and cannot wait to hold you."- I said with a smile, giggling when my little miracles kicked, almost as if understanding every word I said. 

I reached for the book again and resumed reading, hoping to distract myself until my beloved treasure could be mine again, even if for 5 minutes at most. 

The book was selected by my mate and me a while ago and contained advice about infants. I did not know if we needed any guidance, considering it was in our blood to care for our children, but I found enjoyment in reading nonetheless. 

Page after page, I sat in silence and rubbed my belly tenderly.

Abruptly, the quietness was interrupted by an eerie, looming fluttering. 

The doors of the study burst wide open, revealing the Beta, dressed in military leather with sword and claws out.

"Your Highness, we are leaving."- his words sent shivers down my spine as I jolted out of my armchair, my knees weak and my heartbeat like a drum. 

"Why? What was that sound?"- I asked in fear, following him out of the study as his arm circled me without touching my skin. 

"Sylph - an invisible being of air with powers so dark and mighty that they crush its prey alive."- Dionis stated with alarm and dread tangled in his voice while guiding me through halls. 

"Sylphs used to be harmless, but magi turned them into horrifying beasts that now obliterate everything in their way. They eat younglings and lick the bones clean, haunt our females until they beg for death and tear males apart limb by limb, ignorant of the screams and tears. They are not to be messed with."- he explained everything far too explicitly for me to take it. 

Nausea stirred within me and my eyes welled up with tears as I ran as fast as my condition allowed it. 

"We cannot waste a second, Your Highness. You have to keep running."- Dionis coaxed as I panted, unable to run fast enough, too weak and too tired to keep up with him. 

But I still ran, fighting the feebleness, exhaustion and physical ache.

For me. For my pups. For my mate. 

After dozens of turns and stairs, we reached the study of Clark and Lancelot - an ancient room below the castle, loaded with millions of old manuscripts and texts. 

The entire staff of the castle was here. 

The magi brothers chanted something quietly as soon as the doors closed, their hands shimmering lustrously with magic, latching the doors shut for protection. 

The castle shook and the ground trembled. 

Dionis stood before me, his copper eyes full of wariness and apprehension as they stared into mine.

"Listen to me very carefully, Your Highness: when I say run, you run as fast as you can without looking back. You must run towards the eastern borders, shift if needed, but do not waste a second. The King will scent you miles away and find you, but until then, you never stop running, is it clear?"- his words set my tears free as I glanced at everyone around us. 

My people. 

How am I expected to leave my people behind?

"What about you and Demetria, Luticia and Claudia? And the cooks, gardeners, guards and others?"- my voice trembled as I spoke, my eyes glossy with tears that couldn't stop running. 

"The creature was sent to get you. It doesn't want us. It is here to take you because you are what the magi want."- his words had a sharp edge as he growled while gazing at my round belly, anguished to bring any apprehensions upon me.

~ Dionis ~

The medic said that now, at 29 weeks pregnant, the Queen should be cherished and taken care of because the pups are growing intensively. 

To ask Her Highness to run was reckless and dangerous.

But it was all I could do to make sure she and the heirs to the throne lived.

The critter won't threaten or harm any of us, we were not what it wanted, but she was. 

The wards won't last long under its powerful magic that is fueled by the magi's sorcery, so the sooner I tell her where to run, the better. 

The walls shuddered harder and the dreadful flapping of wings came closer, and closer and closer. 

The wards began faltering. 

It was now or never. 

Lancelot unveiled a hidden tunnel behind the rows of bookshelves and I ushered the Queen towards the secret pathway. 

"Run and don't you dare turn back."- my words had to be cold and stern, indifferent towards the tears and pure terror in her blue eyes and her begging whimpers.

I pushed her into the tunnel and Clark sealed it shut, leaving our Queen with only one option. 

To run.

~ Crystal ~ 

My feet carried me the quickest they could, in spite of the fatigue and feebleness that crept into my bones. I didn't look back or stop, not even when my lungs burned and ached. 

I ran to escape from the fate I didn't know of.

By the time I found a way out of the tunnel, the pitch-black night consumed the world around me. 

My eyes burned with hot tears as I sprinted through the trees and bushes, desperate as I charged forward with all my strength and willpower, needing to make it to a safe haven - my mate.

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