𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟔.

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~ Adonis ~

"Well, congratulations are in order, Your Highness."- tweeted the council the second they entered the throne room, smiles plastered on their wrinkled faces.

"On?"- I questioned, serene and a little more patient as my senses remained focused on my darling in our chambers, resting in our bed, my scent all over her and my essence deep inside her.

"The Queen had her first heat. The bun must be in the oven by now."- chirped the member of the council and I growled at the words, outraged by the thought of them poking into this matter.

Whilst I don't doubt how they found out: my mate and I being locked up in our chambers for 7 days and nights, dismissed staff, her sensuous and harmonious moans of my name resounding within these walls over and over again, becoming louder with every new bliss - only those things are enough for the whole kingdom to realise why their King and Queen needed privacy and isolation, none of that knowledge means I want people to talk about this.

"My mate's heat is not a theme you have a right to discuss and neither is whether she is pregnant or not. I will be the first person, whom my darling will tell the news, and it will be up to her to decide when to share the joy."- I stated coldly, willing to create a fucking law if that's what it will take to keep them out of this matter.

My Crystal will have enough stress to manage with the coronation and ball nearing, old wolves breathing down her neck and awaiting her to tell them that she is pregnant with my child is not something I will ever allow.

I do not care if my little mate gets pregnant before, during or after the time of coronation - she will be resting and enjoying the pregnancy like she wants to and if I need to create a law or decree on that, I fucking will. 

They bowed low in submission, threatened to the core, and matters of importance were laid out on the table soon for discussion.

"We would like to request another summit to plan the coronation and ball tonight, Your Highness."- asked the council as I rose from the throne, fixing the sleeves of my jacket.

"This was my last summit for today. I am taking my beloved to the jeweller and I plan to spend my evening with her. The coronation and ball are something she will arrange to fit her preference and liking, I will help her with anything she might need, so your input is unrequited."- I stated dismissively, leaving the throne room calmly, wanting to be close to my sweetheart.

The heat ended only today sometime around sunrise, so the longing is still very intense and I intend to fulfil all of my desires, including spending extra time with my Queen.

I entered the chambers with a smile that brightened once my precious jewel dashed out of the closet and leapt into my arms to kiss and hug me.

"You are the moon's most select and special creation."- I purred gently, kissing her temple as she blushed, making me smile in joy.

White silk and lace, pearls and white gold - a gown and jewellery worthy of my Queen.

"Your Highness, by the moon, you are so tiny, yet you run so fast."- said Luticia, rushing out of the closet with Demetria and Claudia after her, a necklace and bracelet in their hands.

"I will see to this. You can take the rest of the day off."- I said calmly, my heart brimming with warmth as my gift beamed and bounced by my side in excitement, delighted to be all mine and under my span of attention and protection all day and evening.

The maids placed the lavish jewellery on the table and they bowed before leaving.

I took the white gold necklace with a pearl pendant and kissed my treasure's neck tenderly, growling in satisfaction at the sight of my marks that she didn't cover in the slightest.

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