𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟓𝟎.

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10 years later.

~ Adonis ~

As the years flew by, my love for Crystal deepened, and our family grew in size and love in ways I had never imagined. 

Caelum and Orion, our firstborns, had blossomed into handsome, charming 11-year-old boys, who embodied qualities of kindness, bravery, and strength that made me proud beyond measure.

But they were not alone in our hearts. 

Crystal had blessed me with five more sons, each a gift more precious than gold. 

Kael, the eldest after the twins, was a kind-hearted and intelligent 9-year-old, always eager to learn and explore. Auron and Artemis, the playful 7-year-old twins, brought double the joy and double the love, their laughter filling our home with light. Lucius, at 5 years old, was a bundle of energy and enthusiasm, his infectious spirit bringing smiles to all around him. And little Sirius, the baby of the family at 2 years old, was a constant source of delight with his innocent charm and playful antics.

The birth of each of our sons was a celebration that engulfed our kingdom, with gifts and flowers flowing and cheer lasting for weeks. Each of our boys had their own unique character, yet they all shared common traits - sweetness, compassion, brilliance, valour, and strength. Their hearts were made of gold, and their souls were as pure as their mother's.

Being a father to these boys was the greatest blessing I could have asked for. I dedicated myself wholeheartedly to guiding and nurturing my sons, spending every precious moment with them. I imparted upon them all that I knew, bathing them in my love and attention at every opportunity. Though I spoiled them dearly, at times perhaps too much, their mother's tender heart instilled in them a deep appreciation for all they received, and they valued every bit of it.

Crystal, the centre of our universe, was adored by our sons beyond measure. They worshipped her with a devotion that knew no bounds, eagerly offering their love and assistance in any way they could. Our eldest sons, especially, were fiercely protective of her, ensuring she was never without their watchful care.

Crystal, in turn, treated our sons with a love and adoration that words could never fully describe. She was their beacon of light, their source of strength, and their unwavering support. 

Together, we were a family united by love and devotion, and I thanked the mood every day for the gift of my beloved wife and our beautiful sons. 

"Pour it right here, my little miracle."- I instructed Lucius gently, his small frame perched comfortably on my lap, his tiny hands clutching a spoon filled with deep blue wax.

With eager eyes, he nodded and carefully poured the wax onto the spot I indicated.

"Perfect. Now take this and press as hard as you can."- I guided him, passing him the seal stamp adorned with our kingdom's noble coat of arms.

Lucius's face lit up with anticipation as he eagerly pressed the stamp into the molten wax, waiting patiently for a moment before carefully lifting the stamp.

"I sealed a letter!"- he exclaimed in pure delight, his voice ringing with happiness as I enveloped him in a tight hug, my heart swelling with pride.

"You did an excellent job, my little prince. I'm so proud of you."- I praised him, my voice brimming with affection as he nestled into me, returning the hug with all the love he could muster.

The soft patter of tiny feet captured my senses, and as I looked up, my heart swelled with joy at the sight of my boys rushing into my study, their faces alight with excitement.

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