𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟕.

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~ Adonis ~

"Drink."- I growled, tossing a bag full of blood at Basileus, and he did. 

He gorged it down in one go, starved and uncontrollable until his senses were sobered up. 

"I didn't mean to attack her."- he began with an utterance that made me growl, guards tense behind me, aware of the moon I am in. 

"You terrified my mate! She woke up crying at night because of you! Do you have any fucking idea what you could have done if I weren't there?!"- words, as poisonous as my rage, came out like growls, my beasts drowning in the urge to rip him apart.

My little Crystal didn't sleep. 

Every time she closed her crystal eyes, she woke up crying, thinking she lost me eternally, and the more she cried, the worse, the most sinister the weather got. 

Only by sunrise, I could pacify my beloved to sound sleep and once she was sound asleep and tranquil by my side, the weather pacified too.

"It is not my fault her blood initiated my hunger! Who knew she smells so fucking good? It is not my intention to risk 2 realms just to get a taste, but fuck it, Erebus, her blood smells scrumptious and I cannot help it!"- boomed Czar, chains clicking against the cold walls of his cell, veins on his face appearing again, proving what a disaster he is. 

Clark and Lancelot were right - her blood has an effect on everyone and everything. 

"You are not getting an ounce of my protection."- I stated in an icy, menacing tone and left, leaving my Beta to deal with the bloodsucker: Czar will be escorted all the way to his realm to ensure he is far away from my gift.

I am not going to protect someone, who put my mate through terror and misery and is capable of threatening her well-being.

The smallest reminder of last night made my eyes turn darker and hands clutch into fists, a want to shift becoming too fucking much to endure, so I did what my beats crave. 

I rushed to my mate. 

The doors of our chambers closed and the airy, sweet smell of jasmine consumed me, peacefulness overwhelming me in an instant, swallowing all of the dismay and anger. 

I followed my darling's scent and entered the bathroom. The maids bowed and left, the doors closing soundlessly as I neared my miracle until crouching down to her level and kissing her, slowly and leisurely, my hand against her freckled cheek. 

"Stay."- purred my love softly, pushing the dark blue, almost black, jacket off me until it dropped on the marble floor. 

I rose onto my feet and undid my shirt, my eyes skimming along my beloved's nude, drenched body that hides beneath the water, her silky skin glistening beneath the dim light. Long, wet, wavy hair pools in the water in a golden stream, lustrous and satiny. My marks proudly rest in their rightful places, declaring her as forever mine.

My hands gently laid on her freckled, little shoulders to nudge her forward and I laid behind her in the bathtub, her petite body curling around me, wrapping itself in my arms, hiding from the world and its eyes. 

"I love you, my treasure."- whispered my Crystal devotedly, her pink lips moulding into mine, love fusing into passion, tenderness morphing into craving.

"Love is too poor of a word to express what I feel for you, my sweet mate."- I spoke mildly, my hand lightweight on the back of her neck as I hauled her closer to kiss her, taste her, savour the honeyed flavour of this dazzling smile.

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