𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟗.

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~ Adonis ~

My fingertips skimmed through silky, long locks that pool over my arm and pillows into an ocean of gold. I kissed my darling's little, freckled cheek and held her closer to myself, her slender legs tangling between mine as she snuggled into me, bare and soft and warm against me. 

The crowns shimmer on the nightstand beside our bed. Her breathtaking gown twinkles as the warm rays of the sun peek into the room through heavy curtains every now and then and my formal, monarchical attire lays next to her gown, both serving as a reminder of last night. 

Thanatos purred and wallowed in joy as every detail of last night doused our minds, pure and raw and animalistic pride emitting from us as we luxuriated in the knowledge of how well we take care of our sweet, little mate.

I pecked my sweetheart's cheekbone and cradled her lovingly, giving her all the time she needs to rest because tonight she shall go on her first run as the Queen and she will need all the energy she can get.

"Your Highness, good morning!"- tweeted Demetria, linking me, ruining my peacefulness. 

"Good morning."- I answered in a controlled, cool tone, smiling when my gift curled her tiny body around me to be closer and warmer. 

"Her Highness's gown is ready for the run. Shall we head to the chambers to help the Queen get ready?"- she asked merrily, awaiting a fitting before the departure for the run, and I growled, outraged by the thought of someone daring to awake my deity from her sleep. 

"My beloved is resting. I will tell you when you are needed."- I informed calmly, shutting off my side of the link for everyone, and focused on my blessing, needful of her love and warmth. 

~ Crystal ~

The mouth-watering, spiced, tantalising scent of sandalwood tickled my senses and I purred, my cheek nuzzling into my mate's nude chest as he held me close and kissed my temple. 

"You smell so beautiful, my treasure."- I almost whispered, a happy smile shimmering on my face, and his side of the bond radiated delight and love for me, making me purr loudly and softly. 

"Did you sleep well, my little star? Are you well?"- asked my precious love in care, cupping my cheek to tilt my head so our eyes could meet. 

He is a sight to behold, a vision I want to marvel at forever and ever. 

His curly, smooth, inky black hair is touselled from the things I did to it last night and the sound sleep he had, and yet he looks divine. The flawlessly chiselled face of celestial beauty is flattered by the sharp features of his cheekbones and jawline. Breathtaking brown and the longest, the thickest lashes frame his bottomless, enchanting, dusky grey, bedroom eyes. 

The warmth of his downy skin is addictive, just like the feeling of his very tall, large, heavy, burly and broad body pressed against my little figure. He is hard, each muscle is rock-hard, sculpted by many years of vigorous training and fighting, and yet being cradled by those powerful, brawny arms against his vast, well-built chest is the cosiest and the softest feeling I have ever felt. 

"I adore you, my sweet treasure."- I spoke devotedly, laying my hand on his cheek to kiss his plump lips zealously. 

"I love you with all that I am and all that I have, my gorgeous Crystal."- purred my mate dotingly, pecking my pouty, swollen lips, and I grinned, bursting with euphoria and love. 

"Are you well, my sweet mate? Did you rest and sleep well?"- asked Adonis mildly again, worrying about me, and my smile brightened. 

"I am the happiest woman in the world."- I spoke sincerely, brushing my thumb over his cheekbone, praying to the moon he knows that he is the reason why I am so happy.

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