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.Synopsis - CRAM.

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"Cigarettes and lip rings don't match with stuffed toys and sweet things."

Ella Collins has always been outshined by her siblings. Shy, reserved, and insecure about herself, she likes to lose herself in the land of books, or is busy watching the reruns of The Vampire Diaries or F.R.I.E.N.D.S.

People wrongly think of Colton Andrews as his brother's shadow; infuriated by the thought, he always gives his best to erase the benchmark set by his brother. Smoking, drinking occasionally, fighting with his brother, and trying to sleep take up most of his time.

While in his free time, he usually plots his next moves and thinks of another set of lies to tell, in order to figure out Ella Collins, the girl who is going through the same problem as him: finding their place and worth in the world - which uptill now had been obscured by their siblings; and finding their place in each others' hearts.


This book is a work of pure fiction, and so are the characters. Any form of plagiarism is punishable by law.

English is not my first language, so bear with me, please :)

P.S: I support neither drinking nor smoking, and also don't use the story to promote it. It is only mentioned in the book for the sake of the story.

If you're uncomfortable with cussing, this story might not be the one for you :)


Cigarettes, Rebels And Me, #1 ✔Where stories live. Discover now