Chapter 24 - My Brother's Best Friend

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.Chapter 24 - My Brother's Best Friend.

☆Colton, played by William Moseley in the media bar to the top!

Song: Lay Me Down - Sam Smith


With trembling hands, my knuckles gently knock on the door of the guest room.

There's no answer.

I let out a shaky breath thinking that Colton's probably asleep. And that's all the excuse I need to not check on him, because I and only I know how much my heart is close to exploding from fear and excitement.

But there's still a part of me that's pushing myself to knock once again; deep down, I do want to see Colton and make sure he's okay, that he's not so hurt as much I'm fearing he is.

Inhaling sharply, I knock on the brown wooden door of the room, waiting on my toes for him to show up. I'm slightly relieved when once again, silence greets me.

But just when I'm about to turn around and leave from there, the door handle moves downwards slowly as Colton opens the door, his eyes slowly looking up at me, relief flashing in his eyes.

The moment our eyes are out of contact, a wave of gloom and depression hits me when I glance at the dimly lit room behind him. Everything is pitch black, except the parts that a feebly flickering bed-side lamp shines light over.

"What are you doing here?" says Colton raspily, but there's no anger in his voice, it's void of any emotion, as though he's taking extra efforts to sound indifferent.

"I heard..." I clear my throat to cover up that words are refusing to leave my mouth, but he thinks that it's all I have to say.

That's why he says, "So?"

I shuffle on my feet, shifting my weight from one leg to another, not knowing how to answer his coldly uttered question.

"So... I just wanted to see how you were doing," I answer slowly and cautiously, not liking how tired he's looking.

A white strip of a bandage is wrapped around his head, a patch of red on the area where he must've hit himself.

Colton is wearing shorts and a roughly cut sleeveless t-shirt, his hair messed up, as if he just woke up, but glancing at the state of the room, he probably was sleeping.

Now I feel bad about waking him up.

"Did you really?" he asks me, his steadily calm voice scaring me.


"Or did you just come here to tick me off for taking more pills than I should've?" he cuts me off, his nose flaring.

Why is he angry with me? It's not like I made him overdose.

"You knew it, didn't you?"

"I..." I stop, frowning at his accusatory tone. "Why are you angry at me?"

"Come inside," he says, as though he didn't hear me.

He turns around, his head ducked down, darkness and negativity radiating from him.

"We don't want your family members to know about my fucked up activities, now do we?"

The family I probably would have never known, I think bitterly as I follow him, closing the door behind me.

Colton lies on the bed, slipping under the duvet and leaves me standing beside the bed awkwardly. He looks so tired, even the small source of light illuminates the deep frown on his face.

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