Chapter 15 - Doll, Huh?

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.Chapter 15 - Doll, Huh?.

☆ Colton, played by William Moseley in the media bar to the top. How cute can anyone look?

Song: Be Alright - Justin Bieber


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"Ellie," someone calls me. But I ignore them and snuggle into my bed.

"Ellie..." It is a male voice - it is Cam. And I am not gonna disturb my sleep just because he's too lazy to make his own breakfast or something. I swear he's so lazy that once he asked me to pass his phone which was lying just beside him on the couch, when I was halfway across the room.

"Ella, it's an emergency."

I wake up with a start at the word 'emergency' and start looking around crazily and blink rapidly.

"Wha... What is it?" I mutter in a groggy voice; Cam just scratches the back of his neck sheepishly. "It isn't an emergency, is it?"

"It is," he insists, sitting down on the bed beside me. "Just not your definition of an emergency. C'mon Ellie, my friend needs me and Dad confiscated my car keys yesterday for getting in trouble with the neighbours."

I roll my eyes. "I can't do much with my hurt ankle, can I?"

"Nah, you can," Cam grins at me creepily and I back away.

"What would I have to do?"


I sigh for the umpteenth time, looking back at Cam who gives me a thumbs up from outside Mrs. Jones' house, and then look back at the doorbell of her neat little house.

Here goes nothing.

Half a minute passes after I ring the doorbell and then I hear some shuffling from the other side. I take a deep breath to ready myself. The door opens quickly and Mrs. Jones comes into view with an annoyed look on her face, which turns into a smile when she sees me.

"Elizabeth! What... Jesus Christ! What happened to your ankle, kid?" she exclaims, looking at me with a shocked expression, pushing her dirty blond hair behind her shoulder.

Letting her hair down does not suit her...

I cringe a little despite myself. "Just a small accident." But before she can open her mouth again, I speak up. "And that's why I need your help, Mrs. Jones."


"Yes. You see, as you confiscated my brother Cameron's car... wait, you didn't. My Dad did. But he confiscated his car keys yesterday because he did something to you... oh, my God! He didn't do something terrible, did he?! I'm so sorry Mrs. Jones, I apologize in his stead..."

"Mrs. Jones!"

I'm cut off by Cam's voice as he comes running towards us.

"Don't listen to her, she's an idiot."

I cast him a dirty look as he corrects himself. "Pain. I mean, she's in pain. So what she's talking is total gibberish."

The middle aged lady looks at Cam in disapproval and says, "I won't believe a word coming out of your mouth, mister. You scared my cats yesterday."

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