"Is Y/n Wearing Your Clothes?"

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"Y/n you look like Eminem with the baggy clothes" laughs Soap as we sit on His balcony.

"I know, they're huge on me" I laugh while picking up the hem of the T-shirt and dropping it.

"Why would you even buy that size"

"I didn't buy them" I say slightly embarrassed 

Soap looks over to Simon who's sitting on a plastic chair taking a drag from the joint. He takes it out and blows smoke out of his mouth. He looks back to us both and sees us watching him waiting for a reply. He obviously wasn't paying attention to our conversation,

"What?" He raises an eyebrow under his mask. 

"Is y/n wearing your clothes?" 

"Mhm" he nods

"So you two are like... a thing now"

"No" we say at the same time

"Wow sorry, touchy subject?" Laughs Soap

"It's not, we're just not together" I say

"You two would be great together though" he shrugs

"I mean...I can't say I disagree" says Simon as he manspreads slightly while getting comfy in the chair.

I feel myself start to blush as I look at the ground. Why did he have to say that right in front of Soap,

"Poor Y/n, look Simon you've embarrassed her now" Soap and Simon smirk at each other,

I mumble something at them,

"What was that?" Says Simon

"I can't say I disagree either" I say quietly while smiling

"We'll that's settled then" Soap claps his hands together "Ghost and Y/n are now dating"

My eyes widen as I see König step out from the balcony door, I look over to Simon who looks surprised as well. Soap turns around in his chair to see who we're looking at and he spins back around making an 'oh I fucked up' face.

"Y/n and Ghost are together?" He says standing in between Simon and Soap.

"No!" I say "Soap is joking" I laugh nervously

König looks to Simon, who looks to König...and he bursts out laughing. I try to hide my face with my hair as I watch Simon trying to calm himself down.

"I'm sorry I don't know why I did that" he says sighing

"Aye that's just how good I am at rolling joints" Soap boasts

"But König, me and Y/n are not together" Simon says as he passes me the joint. It almost sounds like he doesn't want to be in a relationship with me. Idk it's just the way he said it. I take a drag and try not to cough, I pass it to Soap and cross my arms waiting for someone to start a new conversation.

"So König, are you with anyone?" Asks Soap

"No" he says quietly while looking at the ground

"We'll have to find you someone then eh"

Suddenly I see Price pop his head out of the door that König came in from

"Will you all go to sleep! It's nearly five in the morning!"

"Oh" I didn't Realise it was 5am.

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