Take Out

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Out of breath, we all stroll back up the path to the house. Strands of hair are sticking to my forehead so I brush them off with my grass stained fingers,

Simon and Soap walk beside each other talking while I walk with the rest of them.

"You are quite good at soccer Y/n" says Rodolfo

"Thanks" I smile "you're pretty good yourself"

"Ah thank you"

"I'm way better than ol' Rudy ay?" Says Soap

"Yes, whatever floats your boat" I laugh


"Did you know it's impossible for pigs to look up to the sky" says Price

"Where the fuck did you hear that" laughs Gaz

"It was in my random facts book" 

"That's very random" mutters Gaz

We enter the house. König and Gabriella are sitting at the table together, he has his phone up to his ear and he's talking to someone.

"He's ordering food what are you all getting?" She says, slightly leaning back in her chair to look at something behind me. I turn around and see Simon standing there. I through her a dirty look that she pretends not to notice.

"Burger please" I say 

"I'll have a pizza" she says to König

"Ok" he mutters, writing down the orders onto a piece of paper


"Pizza please" he nods

I look to Gabriella, she's smiling at him. Bitch? Also why is he ordering the same thing as her, I thought he was getting a burger.

How can't she tell I like him already, she's obviously trying to flirt with him. I've had enough of her so I walk upstairs into my bedroom.

My jaw drops as my eyes scan the room, her stuff is scattered everywhere. Her bag is on my bed and its contents dumped all over it, makeup and clothes are on the ground beside it. So she had time to save her bag but not her friend?

I sigh loudly as I stuff her things back into her bag. No way do I want her sleeping here tonight but I know she can't sleep with the others or that would just be weird. I notice that there's a blow up mattress on the other side of the bed, at least she isn't sleeping in my bed.

(A/n) sorry for the short chapter, I have a great plot in my head but I'm too lazy to write it out for the moment, updates will be back to normal this week as I'm back at home 💗, I have TONS of drama on the way for this story 😘😘.


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