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TW: foul language, mentions of abuse, SMUT, miscarriage, whatever the hell is going on down there.

I remember waking up on the couch and hearing the door click. Robert was back.I guess I fell asleep after eating the soup and drinking the "fresh" orange juice. Robert had tons of bags in his hand, leaving me wondering if he just robbed a grocery store.

"Did you steal everything or did you actually pay?", I asked him sarcastically, whilst following him to the kitchen. He stared at me, kind of making me uncomfortable, which made me turn away in return. 

Why was it so awkward?

Why was everything so awkward?

It didn't feel so awkward when he kissed me on the forehead when I fell asleep, but now it felt like 100 walls between us, and we were trying to talk.

"I didn't steal anything. I just bought us lots of vitamins", I looked at him while he unpacked the bags, "us?" He stared at me. Again. This time he smiled. "Us as in our family." Oh. Our family? I still couldn't believe I was about to start a family with this man.

He was my stepfather. And was-still is my teacher. What was I thinking, what was I thinking...nothing about this is right..."Here, Oranges for fresh orange juice. I'm sorry you noticed the bottle. I wanted to be romantic", he laughed.

Romantic. Yeah. Nothing about this situation was romantic, except the lamp in the living room that was barely lighting up the room.

"I know you don't like grapefruits, but they have folic acid in them which is good for the baby," he said, quickly adding "bananas and of course strawberries. I didn't even know they had folic acid in them. The cashier told me.", He was about to continue, saying something about how citrus fruits have the highest rank of folic acid, when I sighed, "Robert, stop." He put the bag back slowly and turned to me with a look that felt like he was staring into my soul. I was afraid of what he was going to say, but at the same time, I didn't even know what I wanted to say. I wasn't sure why I had stopped him.

"Why?" he asked me as if he could read my thoughts. He was as confused as I was. "I don't know... It's...everything about this situation is SO wrong, you don't understand!", I started shuffling around the kitchen, not knowing what I was going to say next. My mind was blank, but my mouth just dropped bomb after bombs.

"We are not even supposed to be in this situation, do you understand? This wasn't supposed to happen! I thought... I thought I was going to stay with Harry and marry him and get pregnant after getting married! Look at me! I'm 11 weeks! FROM YOU! My ex-stepfather! You are my teacher! This is so wrong that.... I-", 

Robert's expression said everything and nothing at all.

"Harry? That fucker? He never loved you", despite knowing that this was the truth, It still hit me like a car. I knew he didn't love me, and I knew he cheated, but I was a hopeless romantic...or so I thought. Well, it doesn't matter anyway, it was Robert who I had a problem with.

"I can't help but find it ironic that he never loved you like I do! Things started out wrong between us, yes, I admit that there's an age gap that could be a potential concern. But I was always loyal to you and did my best to make it work. I even broke up with your mother as soon as I realized my true feelings for you. Although we aren't related, I don't understand why you're having such a hard time with us. Am I not trying enough?", 

TJ's Plan // Robert Downey Jr.Where stories live. Discover now