42 - heads will roll

227 13 16

TW: slap to the left, slap to the right, feel my tears run down my balls, aaaaa ski ski motherf- sorry. robert looks so hot in that gif. thank you for your attention. 

Okay. Okay, I admit it. taking Robert's phone was definitely an invasion of privacy, it was a mistake - but what was worse was that I knew his passcode and had to act like I didn't in front of Tia, so she wouldn't get suspicious of anything. Or play it off like I saw him entering the passcode? No way, she knew I was almost blind, there could be no way that this would pass.

We were sitting on the floor in the bathroom stall, Tia lighting a cigarette and Scarlett staring at me. I knew that I shouldn't be close to a cigarette in my state, but that was yet ANOTHER problem I didn't know how to explain.

"Wanna take a drag?", Tia asked, holding the cigarette in her hand. I looked at Scarlett with furrowed brows. "Uh, no, thanks", I said quietly, looking back at Robert's phone at my hand.

"Did you quit smoking? I haven't seen you smoking in ages", Tia interrupted me, making me look up at her. Oh. that....that thing. "Yeah, I quit. I just feel like....you know, it stinks too much and... I get sick from them.", I whispered quietly, my hands getting sweaty as I felt my pulse raise.

Tia looked at me and rolled her eyes, taking another drag from her cigarette. "So did you manage to find out how to unlock his phone?", Scarlett asked.

I felt a wave of anger wash over me. She knew that I could unlock his phone any time I wanted, I just couldn't do it in front of Tia. "No, I didn't..", I said, looking at Robert's phone. His background was a white rabbit. Okay. No questions. He likes rabbits. I guess.

Tia took another drag, looking up at the ceiling, "Maybe it's his birthday", I looked at her, "Who would pick their birthday as a code?",

Scarlett giggled quietly, "I do".

Great, unlocking Scarlett's phone was next on my list.

I typed in some random numbers to make it seem like I was desperately trying to unlock his phone. Suddenly, the door opened and Sandra's head peeked out.

"Are you smoking in here?", She said, staring at us. I was thankful for the distraction, as it gave me the chance to put the phone away without Sandra noticing.

Tia threw the cigarette over the door and looking at Sandra with innocent eyes, "No we're not." Sandra then motioned me to come over with her head and I quietly stood up, taking Robert's phone out of my pocket. She quietly whispered so the others couldn't hear her, " Theresa, do you by any chance, and please don't lie to me, have Robert's phone?"
I shook my head

"No, I don't have it. Why?" She rolled her eyes.

"That idiot lost his phone somewhere, and we can't find it. We thought you had it since you were the last one who...you know."
I shook my head again and wondered why he was so desperate to find his phone. Was he hiding something?

Then it hit me, someone had called us a few days ago and I had an itching desire to unlock his phone. secretly, of course.

She thanked me for my help and asked me to return it if I saw it somewhere. I smiled and nodded.

I had to unlock his phone.

Sandra closed the door again, and I locked myself in the stall, taking a seat on the closed toilet lid. Scarlett's voice came from the other side of the door, calling my name, "Uhm, hello TJ?", she asked, banging against the door.
I politely requested her to fuck off and began unlocking Robert's phone, hoping to find out something...even if it was...
Subway surfers?

TJ's Plan // Robert Downey Jr.Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat