32 - Silhouette

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I woke up earlier than Robert, trying to get rid of his arms around me because I really needed to pee.

As soon as I slid out of his tight grip, I ran to the bathroom, only to find that the door was locked.I had completely forgotten that we had Laura over and despite my dislike for her, I had to accept that she was now in our home.

I knocked on the door, almost peeing my pants, when Laura opened, her face already caked with makeup. I mean, she looked good, but it was like 6:50 and she looked like she was going to the club.

She hissed at me, staring me up and down, and demanded to know why I was knocking so loud. What? I can't pee in my own home?

I furrowed my brows, "What kind of question is that? The bathroom isn't only for doing makeup". I shoved her out of the way and asked her to leave, so I could use the bathroom. She just rolled her eyes and proceeded to finish her makeup, leaving me standing there, trying to hold my pee in.

She was getting on my nerves. She looked at me through the mirror as if I had broken into my own home. "Why don't you pee?" she asked, turning to me with a suspicious gaze. Is she serious?

"Do you want me to pee in front of you? Have you ever heard of privacy?", I asked in annoyance. She rolled her eyes, leaving the bathroom in a mess, with the sink looking like a bomb had gone off in the middle. My OCD kicked in as I saw everything lying around, and I was ready to yell at her when the door opened again. Instead of her, it was Robert, looking tired, yawning.

He glanced at the sink before looking back at me. "Can you clean this up, please?" he asked, and I rolled my eyes. "It's not my mess, why should I clean it up?" I replied, raising my brows.

Such a great conversation while I was peeing.

Robert was still standing in the bathroom, closing the door quietly as I was pulling my pants up. "Listen, I know the situation is kind of awkward for you, but she's my daughter, and I want her to feel welcome here. I'm not asking you to put everything in order, but just...this mess." I was shocked by his words, he was expecting me to clean up her mess, so she could feel welcome?

 Was everyone out of their mind today? I refused and told him that her cleaning her own mess wasn't going to kill her.

Robert sighed, obviously annoyed, but I wasn't going to do anything. He kissed me on the cheek, obviously wanting to avoid any further discussion, "Can you make me some coffee, baby?", I rolled my eyes. again. I just hoped that Laura wouldn't act like this all day long, otherwise, we'd have a very big problem.

Especially with my hormones.

I made my way to the kitchen, and there she was again. Jesus Christ.

She was busy with the coffee machine, and I rolled my eyes again. If I kept this up, my eyes would soon pop out of my head. But she was annoying.

It's not that I was jealous of her, but her character was difficult. Not saying mine was easy, but she was...different. "So..", she broke the silence, leaning against the counter.

"how far along are you?" she asked, looking me up and down with that expression she had done the day before. I grabbed a mug from the shelf and made coffee for Robert, avoiding her eyes. "I'm 3 months", I said quietly. She yawned and I furrowed my brows. "Isn't your family against it? I mean, he's older than you. Aren't you scared he's gonna leave you? You're gonna be stuck with a baby forever."

I was about to turn around and slam her head against the counter when Robert entered the kitchen, already dressed. He stroked Laura's hair and smiled at her. I shrugged it off and gave him his cup of coffee before going to the bedroom.

TJ's Plan // Robert Downey Jr.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ