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Dear TJ and my not so dear Robert,
I've been giving you food and a roof to live under. The fact that you're not graceful for this hurts my feelings and my motherly heart. Especially you, TJ. You're not the good girl you've used to be, you're out of control and I am not longer looking at the mess you're leaving behind. Stop smoking, drinking and having parties like you're older than 25.

Not so dear loving boyfriend,
The fact that we're married doesn't mean that love is still glowing between us. You don't ask for my health or my day when you come back home exhausted, yet you expect me to care about you.
I'm tired of giving you everything and receiving nothing, this is not the reason why I was born.

Lots of love and strong disrespect,
Your lover and your mother .

"What?", TJ asked me across the room, putting another spoon of cereal in her mouth.

She was so out of control and the worst thing was that I loved it. I loved her for being out of control, for facing everything that scared other humans. She was so full of herself that she was out of control.

"This is the dumbest letter I've ever seen in my whole life," she added. I scratched the back of my neck before throwing the letter in the corner, seriously not giving a sh*t about her damn excuse as to why she left.

She could've just left and leave money behind with a post-it on the fridge saying "Going to get some air for a while - see you soon".

It wouldn't even matter. All the feelings that I've had for this woman are suddenly gone - as if she cheated on me or some worse dumb teenager dirt.

And then there was TJ, the blonde girl I always used to hate. Now she was sitting across the room with her damn short pyjama shorts, her black sweatshirt and a messy bun. The worst thing about this was that she still looked good instead of her mother, always trying to be pretty no matter what time it was.

Usually when I'd wake up at 6am, she'd already have a dress on with her hair perfectly styled and her make up done. We've lived together for 5 years and I still haven't seen her without makeup. I guess that's what made my feelings disappear.

Her behaviour towards being natural. The fact that she always wanted to be perfect, the fact that she raised her daughter like this. TJ turned into a mess because of this awful human being called her mother.

"Do you got any plans today?," she randomly asked me as she appeared behind me, putting the bowl of cereal in the sink without washing it. Ugh.

I shook my head before pulling up the sleeves of my dress shirt, washing the bowl with a strength that I didn't know I had.

"So...it's okay for me to go out, right?," my chest tensed at her use of words. 'Go out' usually meant smoking and drinking...god knows what else, I wouldn't like to know really.

"What makes you think that?," I asked back, drying off my hands with the towel next to the sink which was -- typical -- pink.

She avoided my stare, biting her bottom lip rather slowly. For gods sake, she looked so hot doing that.




"Well, since you're without plans...I could go out without taking my keys and you could drive me?," I raised my brows, leaning against the counter as I crossed my arms rather dramatically.

"Where to?,"

Again she hesitated with her answer before bitting her bottom lip again. "Keira. she's the daughter of susan, the nurse we've met today,"

I thought back to this morning where the pretty nurse entered the room but immadietly destroyed her picture with her annoying attitude. She was a pretty brunette with a pretty smile, but the fact that she talked like a drugged chipmunk ruined everything.

"No," I simply stated, immadietly leaving the room as I heard her huff.

"Why? I'm 18!,"

"So? When I was your age I helped my mother in the household,"

She furrowed her brows before crossing her arms offended. "But it's a girls night....please?," she started pouting with her full lips.

Oh, for f*cks sake. How I hated her pouting - it'd always win.

"No," I said again, this time lowering my voice to make it clear that I was dead serious about my decision.

"But wh...Okay," I turned around on my heels, looking at her with a raised brow.


"Yeah, it's okay. We can watch a movie together or something,"

A movie?

What the hell?

Who was this and where did he take TJ?

"Are you ill or something? We've never watched a movie together. This is serious", I put the back of my hand against my forehead, whilst she gighled at my response.

"Todays different, okay? Let us watch a horror movie or something,"
I nodded, not realizing what I agreed to.


"Oh come on! This is stupid, why would they film any of this?," she asked with a slight laugh, stuffing another hand of popcorn into her mouth.

"I don't know," I laughed, switching to the next movie.

Although I tried paying attention to the movie, I couldn't even remember what the main characters name was.

TJ, who was currently nibbling on her ninth glass of wine, laughed at my comment before putting her legs on my lap.

I shoud've reacted but my mind was full of alcohol and sarcastic comments.

Just as we started watching the third movie, TJ put her empty glass on the table before leaning over to me and crashing her lips onto mine.

The taste of her lips was strong, a fruity taste with bitterness of the wine, but the warmth of her lips sent me back to the times where I still knew what love meant.

The worst thing about this was that my stepdaughter was kissing me and I was getting aroused by it.

She put her leg on the other side before straddling my lap, her tongue begging for entrance. She was quite dominant and I didn't expect that from such a petite, young woman.

I slightly moaned at the contact of her private part touching my crotch, lightly rubbing it as she started moving in circular motions.

She pulled away with furrowed eyebrows before whispering, "I...I want you,"

Oh no.


TJ got herself in some trouble lmfao *spoiling my own book* *even tho I don't know what will happen next*

TJ's Plan // Robert Downey Jr.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant