33 - define cheating

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!!!TW: my grammar lol, slight violence, argumentssssss; foul language !!

It was already getting dark outside when Tyler and I hung out at the new coffee shop near our apartment.

I don't know why I chose that spot, maybe it was because I wanted to have some safety if anything happened and Tyler would get too close. But I knew Robert was busy licking Laura's ass.

Tyler asked me, "I heard your mom wants to homeschool you now?" pulling me out of my thoughts.I was surprised, my eyes slightly widening, who else knew about this besides Sandra and Robert?"Yeah, she was just talking bullshit. We don't get along and I don't live with her anymore", Tyler looked at me weirdly, probably wondering where I lived now. "You know, my stepdad rented an apartment, I live with him now," I said without thinking.

And there we were, sitting at this new and unknown place, drinking our coffee. "So you don't really get along with her? Same thing with me and my dad. He left us when I was little. Never seen him since. Parents can be such a pain in the ass sometimes, but you can't pick them out, right?", he laughed and I faked my giggle.

Yeah, you can't pick them out.

He then asked me how my coffee was and scooted closer to me. I didn't feel uncomfortable, but my gut told me he definitely wanted something from me. I kept biting at the straw, looking at him,"Maybe too much caffeine. But it's good", I replied.

To my surprise, he put his arm around me and I don't know why, but it felt good. Not that I had any feelings for Tyler, he was as dumb as a wall and wasn't my type (although he was cute, but not that kind of cute... my taste in men is obviously different, as you noticed)but I guess after Laura being so annoying and getting all the attention, I wanted to have someone who gave me attention too.

Tyler smiled at me and despite my body screaming 'stop!' I couldn't help but smile back. We had intense eye contact for no reason.. and then I heard my phone vibrate several times, probably Robert being a dick and asking me where I was. Tyler then said, "You're gorgeous, has someone told you that?"

I had to think about the last time Robert complimented me. When was the last time he complimented me? Seriously, when? I mean we definitely had sexual tension, but I forgot the last time he said I was beautiful or anything for that matter.

I started to giggle shyly, feeling my cheeks getting red. Tyler then leaned closer and whispered, "Oh, are you getting shy?" I kept giggling like a school gir- wait, I am one.Suddenly my phone went off. I excused myself and pulled it out of my bag.

My heart sank as I saw the caller ID wasn't showing up on my phone.

I had been expecting a call from Robert and I was disappointed that it wasn't him. It felt like he didn't care or didn't want to talk to me. Despite my reluctance, I picked up the phone.

"Hello?" I asked wearily, only to find out it was Robert."Where are you?" he asked with an angry tone.I told him I was out with a friend, and he replied, "Friend? You mean that dumbass Tyler?", I rolled my eyes,"Why do you care? Do you have nothing better to do? Like..caring for Laura? giving her a bath? Give her some baby food? I don't know, wipe her ass?",I started to raise my voice, not realizing I was in a café, and I felt my face heat up in embarrassment.

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