40 - lost in the fire

249 14 15

TW: bro i don't even know, violence, smut (yes you read that right), insults, the miller family being a bunch of beeches

She took off her gloves, placing them on the counter, and I stood there with my mouth wide open. A) This woman was Robert's ex-wife, b) she just threw a glass at him, and c) WHAT? I knew Robert was too focused on her to pick up the glass and pieces, so I sighed and went to get the broom. That's when she interrupted me with an accusation. "So is this your pregnant maid or some whore off the streets?" I looked at her with one raised brow.

Yep, Laura was definitely her daughter.

Robert stood still behind the counter, his fists clenched. "Don't you dare speak to her like that in our house.", he warned her. She looked around, obviously NOT impressed, "I don't give a fuck, Robert. My daughter is in jail because of you! Do you know what this means?!" she yelled. Robert shook his head. "That means..she's in jail for attempted murder. of her own father.", he said, with no emotion in his voice.

She sighed, staring back at me. "I bet you wouldn't report her if it wasn't for her. Which number is this, Downey? Second? Third? Fifth? Is she living with you because you can't get over the fact you'll be alone no matter what?" I felt my anger rising as I slammed my hand on the table, my voice booming in anger. "Listen, I don't know who you are, but if you don't shut your fucking mouth, I will put these gloves in your throat." 

Her eyes widened in shock. "Maybe you should report her for attempted murder?" Robert looked over at me, his expression softening as he spoke.

"Listen TJ, maybe you should go into the bedroom for a while." I furrowed my brows in frustration. Why was he telling me to go away when she was the one insulting me? I felt her smirk and puffed in defeat. "Fine. Fuck all of you", Robert had wanted to grab my hand as I stormed past him, but I yanked it away, muttering "leave me alone" before slamming the bedroom door. Tears escaped my eyes as I slowly slid down the door, feeling overwhelmed by the situation.

It seemed like a joke to me that Robert would send me away while his ex-girlfriend was insulting me nonstop. I wiped my eyes as I heard him yell and put my ear against the door to eavesdrop."Seriously!" - "No, not seriously, SERIOUSLY, fuck OFF. For god's sake, I thought I escaped from you and your bullshit, but you spawn everywhere I am!" "Yeah because I'm still in love with you". It got quiet, and I felt like something was off, so I opened the door again, only to see Robert standing far away from her, scratching his forehead in frustration while she was leaning against the wall.

They both looked at me and Robert furrowed his brows. "What did I tell you, Theresa?", he said. I shook my head,"I'm not your butler, I will stay here if I want to," I said, crossing my arms.Robert was obviously mad at me for doing what I wanted, but he should remember that I was still the same stubborn TJ he had met when we first started talking - just a little nicer since I had a baby growing inside of me. I sat down on the couch, looking between them, when his ex-wife spoke up again, grinning,

"Okay, let your little girlfriend listen to our conversation if she feels grown enough".Robert groaned in frustration, walking over to me. "What do you want, Kate?" He asked her, in a hushed tone.She began to look around, her arms still crossed as she stated, "I don't know..maybe get Laura OUT of jail? Let's start off with that. You didn't pay child support, you left us-", but Robert quickly interrupted her. "Oh stop with your bullshit. I paid child support until she was 18 like any normal father would, while you spent it on your ugly designer bags. Second, I didn't LEAVE you, you kicked me OUT because you were fucking our neighbor!"

TJ's Plan // Robert Downey Jr.Where stories live. Discover now