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His hands went under my sweatshirt before he grabbed one of my breasts, gently squeezing it before his lips found their way to my neck.

I whimpered at the feeling of his warm mouth against my neck, shivers running down my spine as I opened my eyes to see how good he looked. It didn't seem real though, as if it was a drea-

"Harvey. Theresa Julia Harvey. Get your head off the desk", Mr. David said, his harsh voice pulling me out of whatever this was.

I groaned as my head left the desk, looking over to Scarlett who looked over to me quite angrily.

When did this dream even start and what the-

"You come with me right now," I looked back to Mr. David who crossed his arms across his chest, slightly glaring at me. His brows were furrowed and his foot was tapping against the floor.

I rubbed my eyes, trying to get this exhausting feeling over my face. It was as if someone had stabbed me right in the face.

Suddenly Mr. David's arm went under mine, pulling me away from the table. I tried to get rid of his deathgrip, but he was too strong to me. After all he was really tall unlike other men and that made him even scarier. He was tall and skinny, no sight of fat whatsoever.

He pulled me out of the classroom, my arm already stinging from his grip.

"Let me go! This hurts!," I half-yelled, not having the strength to fully raise my voice.

"No, you're disrespecting me by sleeping in my class and I'm disrespecting you!," he was yelling so loud at me, what a weird thing that none of the teachers heard him. Or maybe they didn't want to because they didn't care about me.

This whole school hated me.

Small tears were running down my face because of his tight grip, and I was squirming like a worm as we entered the office.

Sandra looked at us from her papers, her eyes widening as she realized that I was crying at that his arm already turned red from how hard he was holding onto me.

"For gods sake, let her go Mr. David," she said, her voice calm like nothing was happening.

"No, she disrespected me!,"

"I didn't disrespect your ass, get off of me!," I yelled, again trying to get away from his grip only to be shoved to the side by his arm which hurt...alot.

Actually it felt like someone was ripping my arm apart and it was probably already broken. Atleast it felt like it.

"Mr. David!," Sandra gasped, standing there with her wide eyes and red blouse, being a stupid blonde. Sometimes I hated her, but then again, everyone hated me.

"Why is everyone yelling? What's going o-," Robert entered the office with papers in his hands, his mouth slightly gaped at the sight of Mr. Davids arm around mine and how hard I was sobbing at the moment.

"In my office. You two. Right now.," I sobbed even harder as I realized that he didn't even mention his deathgrip, trying to catch my breath as I did so.

We both entered the office, the door closing after us. Suddenly Robert shoved Mr. David against the door, his arm letting mine go.

"Listen, I can make you disappear forever. What makes you think you can lay your filthy hands on my daughter?,"

I rubbed my arm, taking small steps backwards, looking at Robert with furrowed brows.

Mr. David seemed as if he was lost for words, his eyes scanning the floor.

"I..sir..I'm sorry. She was disrespecting me and I wanted to punish her and I-,"

"Shut your mouth already. It's my job to punish her. As her principal and her stepfather,"

Mr. David looked to the floor again, his cheeks flushing red at the embarrassment he was going through.

Robert shoved him to the side before pulling something out of the closet. I believe it was his map or something, I actually didn't really care.

"You're fired and you're going to hear more from me this month. Get out,"

Mr. David didn't even open his mouth as he opened the door, revealing a shocked Sandra.

"Is everything okay?," she asked, looking at my arm. I nodded because I couldn't really stay mad at her, after all she didn't want to lose her job and we had a good relationship building.

Robert closed the door, right where Sandra stood, leaving us alone in his office.

He plopped down on his chair, resting one arm on the table whilst the other was on his lap.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to disrespect him. I was tired and-,"

Robert sighed, his eyes flitting between my arm and my eyes. "It's okay. What's with your arm, does it hurt?,"

I hesitated before nodding, rubbing my arm slightly. He stood up from his chair, gently pulling up the sleeves, revealing a red arm.

It was really red and it scared the crap out of me, because it wasn't a normal red. It was a mixture of red, blue and violet.

Robert looked at me with a frown before turning to my arm again.

"It doesn't look like you're okay," he whispered, his hot breath feeling like a caress on my arm.

"I don't...I don't know, it hurts really bad and- ouch!," I flinched as his hand went over my arm, his eyes burning into mine.
"Shush," he whispered, reminding me of my daydream. I sighed quietly before closing my eyes, trying to get everything out of my head.

"Let me drive you home, you can't stay here like that,"

Without thinking I agreed, pulling my sleeve down.


When we arrived home, the first thing that greeted us was an unfamiliar car parked in our driveway.

Robert furrowed his brows just like me as we stepped into the living room only to see my mom flirting with some weird dude who had black hair and blue eyes. He could be my brother...ew.

"Oh, That's james is it?," Robert sarcastically asked, pulling me into the kitchen where all the medicine stuff was.
I couldn't get my daydream out of my head even though with so much happening today. I just couldn't get over the fact how real that felt...

Robert and I approached my bedroom, rolling our eyes as we heard my mom giggle like a weird teenage slut.

Not that I wasn't one.

I plopped down on the bed as Robert pulled up his sleeves, looking like a real daddy.
God, I really had some daddy issues.

He applied the cold gel on my arm, gently caressing it. I whimpered slightly as his hands massaged the upper part where this asshole had a deathgrip on me.

"Robert..I'm sorry you had to drive me home,"

What was happening to me? He never affected me, not even when he spanked me.

"Everything for you," he whispered so quiet that I hardly managed to understand.

He leaned closer, pushing hair out of my face before his hand gently caressed my jawline.

"You have a really beautiful face unlike your mother,"

I licked my lips and his eyes raced to my lips before he bit his lip.

"Do you think so?," I whispered, leaning in closer.

Robert raised his brow before his hand went straight to the inside of my thigh.

"Do you have daddy issues?",


*cries in spanish*

TJ's Plan // Robert Downey Jr.Where stories live. Discover now