37-game over

245 15 6

TW: mentions of domestic violence, abuse, foul language, mentions of laura, my bad grammar

As I watched Scarlett fall asleep, her hair cascading down her face, I couldn't help but cry. I wanted to see Robert so badly, but I was stuck in my room. I was pregnant and Jaycee had warned me that if I got up, she would lock my door. I reached for my phone, scrolling through Robert's last message. Even though I was in this situation, all I wanted was to be with him.

'Don't worry about it. Focus on class and put your phone away'

I kept rereading the message, desperately hoping to gain some insight into what had happened to Robert after he left. It didn't feel real to me, since he had always been so cautious while driving. He never had a phone in his hand, and could drive with his eyes closed, which made me wonder what had caused the accident. Was it a drunk driver? did the car have problems? oil leakage? 

My thoughts were interrupted by a knock at the door, which caused Scarlett to jolt upright, her eyes wide and red. I barely had a voice to respond with, but I managed to murmur "Yes" and two officers entered the room. 

Oh no, no, please don't tell me Scarlett lied. Please don't tell me he had passed away. Please.

Scarlett stood up from the chair as the two officers introduced themselves. "I'm Officer Rodriguez and my colleague, Officer White. Don't worry," the tall man said "We just want to ask some questions," officer White said. 

 Scarlett glared at them with annoyance in her eyes, "Can't you ask her another time? She's pregnant and barely recovered from the stress." The officers exchanged glances before one of them spoke up, "Uhm, congratulations on your pregnancy, Miss Harvey." I don't even know who it was, my eyes couldn't focus. I felt like I was watching myself from a different angle. 

They both looked at me with furrowed brows and Officer Rodriguez sighed, "We won't stress you, we just need some information regarding Mr. Downey's accident." I stared at the ceiling, confused. What was I supposed to say? I wasn't there, why would they ask me anything? 

I looked back at Officer Rodriguez, "I don't know anything about his accident. When I got the call, I fainted after hearing the word 'accident'". I saw him writing something down in his tiny notebook. It was funny to see such a large man with such a tiny notebook in his hands.
White sat down on the chair Scarlett previously sat on, looking at me, "Okay, where were you when you got that call?". 

I answered, "In school" and he seemed to struggle to find out who Robert was to me. Taking a deep shaky breath, I explained, "My boyfriend". He smiled before writing down the answer and then asked, 

"Where was he before you got the call?". I hesitated, but knew I had to tell him the truth, "He was supposed to be at school. He's the principal".
The two officers exchanged looks and I could tell they were judging me. I kept reminding myself that they were police officers, and they needed to know everything. I had hope that they would explain the situation to me. 

"Okay, your boyfriend, did he seem weird when you last saw him? Anything suspicious?", Rodriguez asked me, looking into my eyes that made me feel like confessing a crime I didn't even do. 

I shook my head, "He doesn't drink or take anything.", even though that was a lie, it didn't matter. He was sober when he drove with me to school. He may have had a slight hangover, but that was it. He was completely normal when we drove to school.

 "Was he under a lot of stress lately? You know, at work or in private?" he asked again. I sighed, "He was, but he was fine this morning." Rodriguez nodded and White kept looking at me. Scarlett was still glaring at them. "Are you done with your questions?", she said. 

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