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IF YOU'RE IN PUBLIC, DO NOT !! I REPEAT !! DO NOT, DON'T JUST DON'T DO IT, DO NOT READ THIS IN PUBLIC! (No read it in public I'm just joking, I'm always reading smut when in public) btw: this gif will always turn me on

"Do you really think it's a good idea to stay home for the last days?," Scarlett scowled, as I held the phone with my shoulder so I could fold the clean clothes in the basement.

I don't know how the hell I managed to actually have an conversation through the phone in the basement but I did it.

"Why not? People there won't miss me anyways," I heard her annoying giggle and almost immadietly I rolled my eyes.

I wish I could talk to Robert. I missed his grip in my hair, how his hips moved up so he could get it all the way in and how he-

"Are you listening?," mentally cussing myself out, I folded the last clean sweater I had and made my way upstairs. "Yeah, just busy doing the laundry,"

She laughed. "You're doing laundry? Are you in love or something?,"
This was the annoying side of Scarlett. The self-loving, bitchy type. She wasn't full of herself, actually she was the complete opposite. She wasn't happy with herself and I didn't understand why.

Scarlett would easily pass as the prettiest girl on school, I don't know why she was hiding it.

"Ha-ha. Really funny aren't we?,"

"Stop, you're talking like Principal Downey,"

Yeah, because his d*ck got too far in my mouth.

Whoops, did I say that out loud?

"What's wrong with him?,"

She laughed again before chewing on something which made disgusting sounds - ew. "I don't know. He seems weird..,"

"If you say so,"

We both laughed as I opened the door from the basement, only to be greeted by my mother yelling at someone. I only saw brown hair and a grey shirt which looked like Roberts- wait.

"Is your mother yelling again? god, I can't sta-,"

" I'll call you back later, k?,"

"But I-," I cut her off by hanging up and placing the basket on the floor and approaching my mad mother who was yelling like never before.

"What exactly do you want from her? leave her alone, she's my daughter!,"

I rolled my eyes at her behaviour. Of course she'd tell everyone I was her daughter yet she didn't even mind to ask how I feel once in my lifetime.

"Let her decide. God, you're so childish,"

She laid her hands on her hips, tilting her head to the side which meant she was about to whip some sh*t. Which would turn out as complete utter bulllshît.

"Childish? you're taking my daughter away, I could call the police!,"

"I'm not doing anything, you're the one yelling,"
I stepped closer and closer only to see Robert who was standing in the doorway, his shoulders resting against it.

He tensed as he saw me behind my mother, slightly smiling at the sight of me.

I had no makeup on and my hair wasn't ready. I looked homeless - what does he want from me?

"What's wrong?," I asked, my feet automatically carrying me to Robert so my mother wouldn't touch me. He was the only one who could stop her - who wanted to stop her.

"TJ, go upstairs!," she yelled, her finger swaying from left to right.

very aggressive.


"Upstairs, twat!,"

Robert tensed again before gripping my arm and pulling me out of the hell - uhm, my house. He shut the door by kicking his leg against it, the sound making me jump.

"Get in the car before it's too late," he mumbled as he opened the passenger door, leaving me confused but amused.

He turned on the engine and drove away as fast as he could, I didn't even care where he drove to. all I knew was that when we arrived, a sign greeted us which said "Motel". It was worn out and looked like the beginning of an creepy cheap horror movie, but I didn't mind. I was with Robert.

He fiddled with the keys and I laughed at his confusion. This man and his keys.

Robert looked over to me, giving me a small smirk and winked as he did so. I could melt right then and there, but we had to get in first. I wanted to melt on the bed.
He pushed me against the wall as we got in, my legs immadietly wrapping around his waist. Rather gently he crashed his lips on mine before his tongue begged for entrance, making me moan.
This wasn't my first french kiss but he made it feel like it.

I turned him around by his shirt, and he smirked against the kiss. I could feel his bulge growing and I couldn't even believe this was happening - but it was. I could feel the ache between my legs as his hands went through my hair, making it uglier than before.

We made it to the bed rather slowly, but when we plopped down onto it, reality started kicking it. I was about to sleep with the ex-husband of my mother.

fuck this.

He pulled his shirt over his head before pulling my pants down to my ankles. I bit my lip as he parted my legs with his warm hands. I already was soaking my panties, how would I survive this?

He smirked as he saw my panties, making my cheeks flush.
"You're so wet for daddy," he whispered, leaning down to my most sensitive part. his hot breath felt like it was almost carressing it, but when he pushed my panties to the side, his tongue came into the game.

I moaned loudly at the new sensation I was feeling as his mouth did things I didn't know about. Even with this evening feeling like shit because of my mother, I felt like I've just took some LSDD* as I gripped the sheets.

He pushed two fingers inside me and I cringed at the unfamiliar feeling. It didn't hurt, it just felt...weird. "You're so tight princess," he whispered again, making more aroused than before. this man.

He started pumping his fingers in and out of me, looking at me as I squirmed under his touch. After a couple of seconds it finally felt amazing and I felt the burning sensation going through my body as my first orgasm approached.

"I'm gonna-,"

"Shh, let it all out," he ordered and I did as told. My eyes felt heavy and I felt like I was about to pass out.

The last thing I saw was Robert smiling at me before pulling the sheets over us.

*zzzzz* guys I'm updating so much bc I'm kinda into writing again. AND BIG THANKS AND A WARM HUG TO THE LOVELY PEOPLE WHO COMMENT AND VOTE, YOU'RE ALL BEAUTIFUL ILY

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