46 - i'm fading to black

223 11 11

(gif is me when someone says they don't like rdj)

TW: violence, adult language, a lot of slapping (asses..jk..unless-), a crazy mom

My mom didn't even greet Robert, she didn't greet anyone, she just stormed past everyone and slapped me out of nowhere. I was in shock and all I could do was yelp in pain and try to run away from her. Thankfully, Robert stepped in between us to stop any further of her bullshit. Jenny, who had been standing nearby, grabbed my mom by the shirt and pulled her away, yelling "Are you insane?" Elisa, still sitting on the chair, stared at us all with a shocked expression. She asked quietly, "Lisa?" Robert's dad also came into the kitchen, looking confused.

Everyone was confused, except for me, Jenny, and Robert.

Elisa took a step towards my mom."Lisa? What are you doing here? Why are you slapping Robert's fiancée?" I cringed at her question, scared for her to find out the truth about who 'Lisa' actually was.

My mom looked over at me with wide eyes, a hint of sarcasm in her voice. "Oh, fiancée already? That bitch is not his fiancée, it's MY DAUGHTER!" Elisa turned around to look at me, and then back at my mom.

Robert's dad interjected, asking "Daughter? Robert...this is her daughter?", looking between me and Robert. After a pause, Robert nodded, a sigh escaping his lips. Jenny was holding her hands in front of her face, probably wanting to disappear.

She continued, "Yes, this is my daughter. Your son is a creep and is dating my daughter. Now he's marrying her. Oh, and she's also pregnant.", crossing her arms and raising her brow at me. I felt embarrassed and ashamed. I knew the truth would eventually be revealed, but not like this and not after the argument that had occurred earlier.

Robert's dad quietly uttered the word 'fuck' before finally sitting down on the chair, all while Robert was still standing in front of us.

His face was expressionless as he was looking at me, he didn't turn to look at my mom. It seemed as if he was unable to speak at all. Or he simply didn't want to.

Before my mom could continue, Jenny punched her in the face with full force, making me flinch. I knew that Jenny was trying to protect me, and she was aware of the whole truth about Robert and me.

Elisa then spoke up, scolding my mom for her actions. "Lisa, I've respected you until you cheated on my son. And still, after that, we talked sometimes. But this is unacceptable. I don't know what's going on, but you cannot harm your own daughter who is pregnant. As a mother. What is wrong with you?".

Robert's dad just laughed in response. I felt like I was in a circus right now, with me being the main attraction.

He spoke up again, "Elisa, It's her daughter. She can do whatever she wants",

It was then that I realized Robert said the truth about his Dad. He wasn't sincere when he said he was sorry earlier.
To him, I was nothing but a burden for Robert.

Jenny scoffed, "Dad, shut up. She has no right to put her hands on her. Are you deaf? Theresa is pregnant." Robert's dad just laughed quietly and I could feel Robert's grip on my arms getting tighter. I knew he was about to explode, but I had no idea when.

"How many times are you gonna repeat that she's pregnant? That doesn't stop a mother from educating her own daughter," his dad said, his voice rising.

And that's when Robert snapped, and I was genuinely terrified of what was going on. Robert gently pushed me towards Jenny and I felt like a ping-pong ball being thrown around.
Jenny quickly pulled me behind her and Robert slammed his fists against the counter. "You sick old fuck. I knew you weren't sincere when you apologized. How do you justify a mother beating her own daughter? What fucking education are you talking about? I had enough of your shit, of your fucking education. You 'educated' me the same way and I'm so fucking...Fuck you," he spat out. Robert's dad just stared at him, with no expression on his face. It was like Robert was talking to a wall.

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