44 - no daddies anymore

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I heard Robert going back and forth in the kitchen, talking to his sister on the phone, "No, they SHOULD know.", he yelled and I cringed at his loud voice. It was clear that part of his family didn't know about me and his sister was probably trying her best to announce it in a more..formal way.

I couldn't help but think that if I just appeared there and said 'Hey, this is my new fiancée. Oh, and she's also pregnant. Oh, she's also my student', would leave a bitter taste for Robert's parents and everyone else.

Although the student part could be easily not mentioned, they still needed to know who I was since I was joining the family. I looked at my hands, my ring finger still looking 'empty' since Robert didn't have any time to pick it up, especially after our 'little' argument and me calling Mark...gay. I probably should call him and apologize.

Robert's voice snapped me out of my thoughts again, "What easy way? What are you talking about? I can invite them over, or WE come over for dinner and just.." then it got quiet and he came over to me, looking at me with furrowed brows. "What happened?", I asked quietly as he sat down beside me. It seemed like he was trying to figure out an easy way to let his parents know about us and our situation, staring at the wall.

"Almost 35 years and I'm still sitting here, trying to figure out how to tell my parents that we're going to get married", he whispered, scratching his head. I felt butterflies in my stomach as he mentioned the word 'married', quietly giggling to myself. Robert turned around to look at me "What's so funny?", he asked with a smile. I couldn't help but hug him, pull him closer to me, and feel his warmth on my skin.

I knew Robert was the one. Maybe it was a hell of a ride considering how we met....and our circumstances...but I just know that Robert was the one I wanted to spend all my life with.

"I just thought about getting married," I said, still giggling like a little schoolgirl. Okay, I was a schoolgirl, shut up.

"Is that funny to you? Did you change your mind?" Robert said with a smile, looking up at me. I shook my head, kissing him on the forehead.

"No, the thought itself just gives me butterflies. I didn't think we would make it..this far."

"You thought I was going to drop you after I found out you're pregnant, right?"


Well, there he went, ruining my mood..kind of. not like I was constantly worried about Robert leaving me, but it was definitely something that was lingering in the back of my head on some days. I knew that he could just stand up and leave me if he wanted to and I had no control over that. Thankfully he didn't, but his comment made me feel uneasy.

I could tell he noticed the change in my expression and he sat up, scooting closer to me, "Hey, I didn't mean it like that. I just wanted to make a joke, you know, a harmless joke. not crashing the garage kind of joke."

I rolled my eyes, he was always bringing up the garage. I had promised him that I would pay for the repair of the garage door, and he had agreed, but why was he bringing it up again? I already felt guilty for crashing his car and he was refusing to let me pay for it. I mean, I wasn't exactly rich, but I wanted to at least do something.

"You know I'm gonna pay for that," I murmured, looking down at my lap.

"Yeah, one way or another", he said, smirking as I looked up at him. I couldn't help but laugh, this man was so unpredictable.

Robert reached out for a kiss, and I gently stroked my hands against his face, my lips curling into a smile.

The kiss was mostly innocent, with a hint of desire. We got interrupted, however, as his phone started to ring. He climbed off of me and I rolled my eyes, pouting as I didn't want to end the kiss. My legs were still on his lap as he answered, mouthing 'mom' to me. I laid my head down on the couch, and he started drawing circles on my leg, which made me giggle. He sighed, and I knew he was looking at me, even though my eyes were almost closed.

TJ's Plan // Robert Downey Jr.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ