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"What comes in your mind when you think of detention?," the secretary of our school, Sandra, asked me as I sat down at her table.

Sandra wasn't like the typical secretary you'd see in the movies - well, she kind of was. I mean, she had blonde hair, wore lipstick and was really pretty, but the fact that she had something in her brain completely divided her from the world of the movie secretary.

"I don't know. Hate," I picked dirt out of my fingernails as she sipped from her coffee, furrowing her brows at my reaction.

Well, how should I even react? If she only knew the whole story.

"Hate? What do you hate?,"

"Detention. and the pers-teacher giving it,"
She looked at me with one raised brow before finally turning to her PC, her nails tapping against the table.

"What did he even give you detention for?,"

"I wasn't working,"

She looked over her glasses, probably asking herself how stupid Robert was.

"I thought he stopped doing that...," she mumbled, writing something down.

"Doing what?,"

Sandra shook her head whilst smiling at me sweetly, as if we weren't discussing why I had detention only seconds ago.

"I was just-," she was cut off by the door opening, revealing a somewhat pissed Robert holding papers in his hands.

"TJ. In my room,"

I looked over to Sandra, mentally yelling for help but she just looked at me with sympathy before turning back to her work.

Whatever he was pissed about, he'd let it out on me.

I stepped into his office after he sat, well, rather plopped, down on his seat, crossing his legs immadietly. This man and his habit of crossing legs should be stopped.

"Uhm, did I do something bad..?," I asked quietly, afraid of his answer.

He looked at the door before turning to me. "No, close the door,"


Nervously I closed the door, standing in front of it and crossing my arms.

"Sit down," he ordered once again, turning his seat to the window, avoiding the face-to-face talk.

"Uhm...What's wrong?,"

"Your mother just called me. She said some thing that hurt me,"
I bit my lip, trying to think of words that I could put together to make him feel better. But he was a hard persona after all, If I just had the chance to get him life would be much easier.

"We're going to divorce. It's over and I told her the truth,"

"What truth?,"

"I don't love your mother anymore. Actually, I fell out of love with her a long time ago. I stayed because I thought she'd need my help to raise you,"

Even though I somewhat hated him at the beginning and would be happy about them divorcing, the tug at my heart couldn't be ignored. A small, quiet "Oh," escaped my lips before I looked down, playing with my feet.

"I fell in love with someone else and your mother already knows,"

"Does she know who it is or that you-,"

"She knows that I fell in love with someone else but she doesn't know who. I won't tell anyone..," he turned back to me, his cheeks flushed and his shirt had a few buttons open which made him look even more attractive than usual.

"This isn't fair," after the words fell from my loud mouth, I put both of my hands against it so I wouldn't spit out something unnecessary.

"What isn't fair? That's how life goes, Julia,"

"So you fell out of love and then you decide to leave us because you want to? I'll move out then. I can't stand my-,"

He hit his fist against the table, making me flinch. "You're not going to- Listen, it's going to be okay, m'kay?,"

I nodded before looking at him with a scared expression, scratching my wrists out of nervousness.

Robert was so unpredictable, so rude and at the same time so lovely. I can't believe he'd leave us soon.


"Was that it?," I asked as he closed his eyes shortly.

"Yup, you can go home now,"

I grabbed for the door knob, hoping he'd say something about this fucking situation. I hoped he'd stop me and say that he wasn't moving out and it was a joke.

But the main thing that annoyed and confused me was that he fell in love with someone else which meant the incident between us was...an accident.

Just as I wanted to turn the door knob, he said my name and I turned around almost immadietly, my hopes racing up like never before.

"Take my keys, I won't need them anymore," I sighed quietly before grabbing the keys he threw on the table before closing the door after me.

Sandra looked at me with furrowed bross.
"Everything okay?," she asked, her blue eyes burning through mine.

I nodded, holding my tears back as I took the last steps to the door.

So Robert wouldn't live with us anymore which meant that he was a nobody for me again. Well, actually I was a nobody for him, but that didn't matter now anyways.

I put his keys in the back pocket before making my way home, the tears escaping my eyes automatically. the fact that I didn't even realize that I was crying on the way home made me laugh and die on the inside.

He simply didn't care about me. To him I was just another teenage girl in her own world.


Guys, I know you forget to vote sometimes but...seriously, Y ARE THERE NO COMMENTS?!??!?! I EANT TO SEE COMMENTS U NUGGETS!! :(((

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