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Everything got awkward after this night where I accidentally called him "daddy".

Not that I was unsure of what I was doing -- my mind wasn't fully working that time.

Mom came home drunk that night and for the first time in my life I actually hated her - I hated her for bringing Robert into our house.

Since he's been living with us every small thing took a sharp turn. The relationship between my mom and me wasn't that good anymore, it felt like we were drifting apart.

That's where I decided that friends are family and alcohol my friend. 'That's where everything started' I thought as I laid down on my bed, my ass stinging so much I couldn't even process anything.

He never reacted this way, neither did I.
Who even expected that he would spank my ass after we spent the entire day together without argueing?

This bïtch at college. It was her fault for running into me anyway. What was she, blind or something? God, I hated people like this.

Open your eyes whilst walking forward, coward.

I was sitting on the couch with a pack of chips and lemonade, watching Sinister all by myself, when the door rang.

rolling my eyes rather annoyed, I wiped my hands on my sweatpants before swallowing the last bite of my chip and opened the door.

My eyes widened at the sight of who was standing at my door - looking hotter than ever.

"Harry?", I whispered which almost came as a squeak because I couldn't control my volume whenever he was around.

He smirked at me before looking behind me, biting his lip "anyone home?", he asked.

Before I could even respond, he slammed his lips on mine, the aggressive feeling I always missed - just...not now.

His tongue begged for an entrance as I moaned into his mouth. Why the fűck was I moaning? All the feelings disappeared last night...weird.

"Haffy..", I spoke into his mouth, my eyes widening as I realized that he took this for an positive reaction.

"Come on baby, no one's home", he whispered as he pulled away, his thumb gently stroking my bottom lip as his other hand started grabbing my ass rather harsh.

I whined as his hands fully cupped my butt since I was sore from all the spanking.

"No, don't. Stop", I ordered, my voice slightly cracking. I wasn't used to his behaviour, especially not now.

But it was always like this.
He did something wrong, I came back crawling to him.

Not this time though.

He tugged on my hair, shoving me backwards to the wall.
"I've missed your smell so much, kitty",

I cringed at his name for me, realizing how dumb it actually sounded.

"Stop..:", I whined again, my hands beating against his chest rapidly.

For gods sake, he would have sex with me and I wouldn't even do something about it because he was much more stronger than me.

Realization hit me like a ton of bricks and my eyes widened in panic as his hands roamed my body once more.

I tried pushing him off me, my foot kicking against his - but none of these things worked.

I really started panicking, tears coming out of my eyes like some waterfall. squeezing my eyes shut, I sobbed like there was no tomorrow.

"Just one time, kitty. I want to see how tight and nice you are for dad-",
Suddenly I heard a bang before the weight was lifted off of me, and a loud bang on the floor.

Scared of this whole situation, I didn't dare to open my eyes before a familiar hand wrapped around my wrist, pulling me to his chest.

I opened my right eye, recognizing the too famous white dress shirt with the black tie.


"Hello? Yeah, Jace, it's me. Some weird fűcker wanted to attempt ràpe....yes, at my house. 10 minutes? What the hell are you, a granny? Get your ass over here immadietly", his voice vibrated through my body as I leaned my head against his chest, still not stopping to sob.

This was embarrassing.

Robert pulled away only to cup my face in his hands. "Are you okay?", he whispered, his eyes flitting between my swollen mouth and my wet eyes.

My heart jumped at his tone but when it hit me, it cracked slightly.

Robert was an teacher, of course he would speak with someone that way if they were about to get ràped.

I nodded, biting my lips rather harsh. "Stop doing that, you're going to chop your bottom lip off.",

Although this situation wasn't funny at all - I laughed.

Robert furrowed his brows at me before the three police men stepped into the house.

Whilst the two were busy handcuffing Harry, the other one stepped to us, giving us a confused stare.

"Is this TJ?", he asked Robert, his lips forming into a small smile.
He held out his hand, his eyes softening as he realized that I was crying.
"Hi, I'm Jace Grey. Nice to meet you.",

"Call an ambulance", Roberts voice pulled me out of this weird staring contest.

"Did he success?", Jace asked, one brow raised in confusion as his face hardened again.

Robert shook his head before looking at me. "I forgot my phone at home, so I drove back. When I arrived, the front door was open and I thought someone was robbing the house. Then I was him aggressively pushing her against a wall, assaulting her sexually.",

Jace nodded before writing something down on his small notebook.
"Listen Rob, take the day off. You can't leave her like that, can you?"

"I can't. I'm a teacher, the students need me", although I shouldn't be so sad about him not wanting to be with me, I felt like my word was breaking in two halfs. I wasn't that bad, was I?

"Uh...huh", Jace muttered, looking at me with a sorrow expression.

"Stay with her before I'll do a small thing and you won't ever find a job again", he smirked as Robert rolled his eyes.

After the officer left, Robert looked at me with an scared expression.
"he didn't hurt you, did he?",

He did. emotionally.

"No, I'm fine.", I lied.

Robert smiled at me, not with fully, but he knew what he was doing as his lips pressed against my forehead.


Guys, I'm so tired. I'm working on sundays and Saturdays at 6am! You know what the hell this fycking shit is?!


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