Chapter Twenty

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I woke up the next morning cuddling with someone. I raised my head up to see Jackson holding me. I looked to my right to see Oliver was not there. I instantly began to panic.

I gently slipped out of Jackson's grasp and stood up from the bed. "What are you doing?" Jackson managed to scare the crap out of me and I jumped.

I turned to him and I guess I had a worried look on my face because he instantly got up as fast as he could and came to my side. I could tell it hurt him since he just got all cut up yesterday. "Whoa, easy tiger. I'm okay, Oliver just wasn't in bed so I was confused and sort of scared that something may of happened to him."

"Don't worry about me, I just got up to go to the kitchen and eat. When I came back you two were cuddling so I decided to just watch some T.V." I turned to the doorway where Oliver's voice had come from and there he stood, wearing nothing but shorts and had messy hair. He didn't seem jealous or mad about me and Jackson cuddling so now I was completely confused.

"No, I'm not getting jealous over this. I don't want to fight over something stupid." He was totally serious. It kind of amazed me.

"O-okay." I then turned and climbed back into bed. "I'm still super tired, you guys can do whatever you want."

"I'm going to get something to eat."

"I'll go with you."

"I thought you just got something?"

"That doesn't mean that I'm not still hungry."

"Okay then, come on." The boys left my room and found a new topic to talk about, protecting me.

At least their getting along, right? "Yeah, Mom." That's what I thought. I then her majestic laugh that always made people smile. Then the air suddenly became serious and my mother's voice became stern. You need to listen to me, my sister is coming back and I fear it will be horrid. Do you remember the dream you had of killing Jackson? "Yes." I remember the dream all to well. The way I sliced his throat with the black handled claymore. You don't have to kill him, just drag the sword across his chest only deep enough to make him loose enough blood to make it seem like he's bleeding out. "How do you know what I need to do?" Just trust me. "I do, you know I do but how in the world do I know how hard to cut." I'll be there to help you, don't worry. I wish I could tell you more but I must go. I have things to do and people to help. "Okay, I love you." I love you too."

I then felt my mother leave my presents. I was on the brink of the dream world when Augustus ran in my room and jumped on my bed. Might I add, he was in his wolf form. He attacked my face, furiously licking it. "Okay, okay. Give me a second and I'll be out there." He stopped and jumped off bed, running into the hallway again.

I threw the covers off of me and began to change. Once done, I ran into the living room to see Louise petting Aiden and every now and them kissing the top of his head. It was sweet.

I sat down just as Jackson and Oliver entered the room. Jackson went to my left side, Oliver to my right.

Augustus came storming in with my father close on his tail.

We're having a family day. We'll just be running threw the woods and just hanging out. You may want to grab some clothes and put them right on the outskirts of the woods for when we get back.

My dad talked to us in his alpha mind link and we all nodded.

I looked go Lou and she already knew what to do. She left to get md some clothes and I knew I would have to thank her later.

Aiden walked over by Augustus and nudged him. They both started towards the door in full speed. Of course I had to join them. I started running and zoomed past them.

I got to the woods first and looked back. All the guys were running at full speed but it was nowhere as near as fast as I could go.

Once they finally caught up, we went into the woods. Everything was going good until about four hours into when I felt a pain in my stomach.

I changed back to human form and felt another pain. The biggest problem was that I was way ahead of the guys and it was going to take a while for them to catch up.

Hey everyone!!! My team didn't get anything for Power Of The Pen but we had a fun time making it to state.

The picture of of the claymore I was talking about.

Okay, I have a cookout to attend, bye.

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