Moving to a new country

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First Person

Hello, my name is Eric Nam, age seventeen internationally, born and raised in Atlanta. Atlanta or what we call "Hotlanta" is one of big cities of the South. We are known for the large aquarium and being the main center of the Civil Rights Movement. I grew up in a distinct Asian American neighborhood full of Koreans like me.

My family was very religious so we went to a local Korean Baptist church every Sunday. It wasn't much, just singing and praising before the pastor would begin his service, obviously in Korean. This was very common among the Korean American community and it's shaped a huge part of my identity.

One day during the beginning of summer break, I sang a beautiful gospel and during that performance many of my church brethrens that were present watched me. I remained focused on the sheet as I hit every single note perfectly. Once the show was over a man with a baseball cap approached. For a second I tensed up. He wasn't dressed in a full church gown like everyone. His style was very casual. I wasn't sure what his intentions were, but his smile somewhat eased my worries.

"That was such a fantastic performance boy." The man spoke English with a Korean accent.

I could tell the man wasn't from here, but I laughed along.

"Thank you for your kind words sir, I been singing here in the choir since I was little. Glad to see someone recognize my gift."

The man reaches out for what looked like a business card. I flipped it over and gasped in shock. SM entertainment, the largest agency known for establishing Kpop has personally approached me.

"I figured this may interest you. We are in the search for talent and you young man certainly possess it. Just give us a call or audition locally here. We are holding out annual American audition for more oversees Koreans like yourself. We hope you take the opportunity." The man bowed politely before he walked away.

I looked at card yet again to see whether I should take that risk or not. Right now I'm out of school and my parents are doing fairly well. Surely they wouldn't mind me auditioning?

I gave this card to my parents who looked at the card with great interest. My mother seemed thrilled at the idea, but my father had mixed reactions. He still wants me to study school and I haven't thought about which college I should attend. I'm currently halfway through highschool and I need to consider what my future could be. Is there a transfer program for someone that might end up moving?

That is what I did for the rest of the day. I looked over for several transfer programs for aspiring trainees. Most of them required me to fork over thousands of dollars which I don't have. Eventually found one sponsored by SM themselves but there one condition, I would have to pass the audition and become a trainee.

I knew what I had to do. It was going to be a large gamble. Everything as I know it would change. I would be in a foreign land of my parents that I have little connection of. I spent the next weeks saving money, taking temporary jobs like mowing other people's lawn. It took a while but after more than a month I saved enough money for one flight.

"We're going to miss you so much Eric. My handsome boy has grown up so much. You'll be quite the charmer with the girls." My mom teased me like she usually does.

"Make sure you pass son, you saved quite a bit of money from taking those jobs. I hope you take the lessons we taught and apply them. This is a brand new life and there will difficulties, but trust in God and he will give you strength. Let's do a brief prayer for boy." My parents put their hands on me and prayed.

"God bless this boy on his journey and that you guide him the path he needs to take. Protect him along the way and put people in his life that will build his character and let his presence make a positive impact on the people he meets, in Jesus name amen." My mother prayed in Korean.

Eric Nam: Super Junior's Vocal Maknae Book 1: BeginningsWhere stories live. Discover now