A Tearful Farewell

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December 21, 2009

Eric Nam woke up from a nice nap. He just had the sleep of his life now that his first second year of college was done. It was now approaching Christmas, and soon the beginning of a new decade.

"It's hard to believe the 2000s are almost over. It felt like forever ago since I was that eleven-year-old kid counting down for Y2k." Nam smiled at the memory.

He just began middle school that year, finishing his first semester. At the time, Backstreet Boys were at their peak and teens were going crazy for Britney and Christina. The Sega Dreamcast just came out and The Matrix was the number one movie. In Korea, H.O.T was the Korea's number one band and Shinhwa made a breakthrough that year.

"It was because of Shinhwa I gotten into Kpop. I wanted to be like them so badly." Nam laughed at his old embarrassing dance covers.

It was only five years later that he got to the chance to achieve and only this year that he got to see the fruits of his hard work. Eric Nam, twenty-one years old and maknae to one of the most popular groups in Korea.

"So many things happened this year. Even though there were some close call, I at least end the year peacefully." Nam said as he got out of the room.

He heard commotion from his dorm room.

"What going on here?" Eric asked.

"Hangeng is leaving."

"What!?" Eric was too shocked to respond.

SM Office

"This is outrageous!? Why are you double crossing me!? After everything I did to welcome you in the company! I treated you like my own son!" Sooman slammed the papers in outage.

Hangeng was emotionless the whole time. People present could see the look of resignation.

"I'm just fed up ajusshi. You say you treated me like a son, but what have you really done? I haven't taken a break for two years. I had to perform even when I was past from exhaustion. Worst of all I never received fair pay for the work I've done these past four years. I'm terminating my contract Sooman-nim, Mianhe." Hangeng bowed apologetically before he left without saying another word.

Sooman, furious slammed the papers on the floor.

"SUCH AN UNGRATEFUL BRAT!!" Sooman shouted in anger.

"Hangeng thank goodness you're here. Everyone's been freaking out. Are you okay?" Eric looked at him face to face.

"Eric-ah, I would never expect to see you right here. Unfortunately, what you heard is true. I'll be returning to China tomorrow." Hangeng said with a sad look.

"What? B-But this is so sudden!? You're just going to leave everyone you cared about? Answer me hyung please!?" Eric pleaded getting closer to him.

"I'm sorry it had to be this way. I wish it wouldn't be, but I'm at my wits end. I commend you for showing more concern than others. At least it's nice to know there are people that care about me." Hangeng said with a small smile.

"It doesn't have to end like this. I can tell ajusshi we-"

"There's nothing you can do Eric. I already made my intentions clear. There's no going back from this. You were lucky because you're still Korean. Even though you may be overseas, you still have the blood of the people. Unfortunately, I'm still a foreigner, no matter how hard I speak Korean it'll never be enough to fit in here." Hangeng replied, his voice began to crack a little.

He wiped the small tear that came out of his left eye. "I'm sorry Eric, really. Don't feel so sad for me. You'll still have the other boys to be around. You've been a good friend to me Eric-ah, I'm excited to see where you go. You have potential to be something greater than just an idol. Tell Henry and Zhoumi my regards. Until then goodbye friend." Hangeng said before he walked away.

Eric Nam got on his knees and began crying. For the first time, he truly didn't know what to say. He felt helpless, helpless he couldn't help his friend. All those months of spending time together since debut. The pain, the hard work, the laughter all of that he won't get to do anymore with Hangeng.

First was TVXQ was breaking apart and now his own group is falling apart. Kibum has shown other aspirations, Kangin is still on suspension, and now Hangeng was abandoning him, when he needed him the most. Now he understood Changmin's pain, the pain that somebody abandoned you.

This is not how he wanted to celebrate the holidays. He always wanted to be an idol and now he got his wished granted. He should be grateful, Hangeng should be grateful, but why does he feel conflicted?

Whether he liked the outcome or not didn't matter. This was now his reality and Hangeng wasn't going to be there anymore.

He failed to stop the nightmare from happening...

Eric Nam: Super Junior's Vocal Maknae Book 1: BeginningsWhere stories live. Discover now