"Super Junior EKRY"

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November 2006

2006 went by a lot quicker than Eric would have liked to. He was now approaching his final semester in highschool. Graduation was fast approaching and the hyungs we're beginning to make a big deal about it. Heechul wanted him and Kyuhyun to have a fashionable ball while Eunhyuk suggested a karaoke party.

Many new things have happened during this time. TVXQ came back stronger than ever with their Heart Mind Soul and O Jun.Ban.Hap albums, further catapulting them to the top as Korea's number one group. Their rival, SS501 has also returned stronger with Unlock and a possible rivalry is in sight.

Brown Eyed Girls debuted just before Super Junior's official debut with their mature concept. Could they thrive in an era that is lacking in girl groups?

Perhaps the biggest competition this year is the debut of YG's first idol group Big Bang. With their obvious hip hop and R&B concept, Eric had the right to feel nervous since they show greater potential for a Western audience. Whether or not Sooman would let them promote towards the west is up to him to decide.

"We're here ajusshi." Wookie arrived with Eric.

"Ryeowook? Why are you here?" Kyuhyun asked confused.

"Ok ajusshi, what is going on here? Is there some incident I'm not aware regarding them." Yesung said bluntly.

"Why do you always suspect it's us causing trouble!" Wookie cried out.

"Because you and Kyuhyun always have the knack for trouble and somehow Eric is right in the middle of it." Yesung stated.

"That's enough arguing boys. I have called you all four of you since you clearly represent the vocal backbone of the group. You four are going to be singing for an upcoming drama." Sooman explained.

"Sounds like fun! Can you believe that Eric we get to have our own comeback!" Wookie said cheerfully.

"Are sure I'm qualified for this Sooman-nim? Not to be rude but don't you think Heechul would be more suited for this? I'm still a rookie." Eric said with hesitation in his voice.

"I'm well aware, but from what I have seen you shown yourself to be quite gifted in your vocals. Think if it as a test to prove your worth." Sooman said with smile.

So the four boys got to work on memorizing their lines. Yesung as usual did the best due to his age and experience. Wookie had a higher vocal range although his voice occasionally cracks at times. What surprised Eric was Kyuhyun. Despite his lower vocal range, it was still high enough to sound pleasant.

"Wow you're good at this Kyukyun!!" Wookie stated his astonishment.

"I agree with Wookie this is something I would never expect for you." Eric adds.

"Eomma did say I have pleasant voice!" Kyuhyun said with a cheeky grin.

"I must say Eric you have such a stable voice. You realize how hard it is for most people to sing like that." Yesung said in astonishment for his maknae.

"Gomawoeyo Yesung hyung I grew up singing choir so that's why I did well." Eric replied shyly.

"I told you hyungs he's the real deal and you wouldn't believe me!" Wookie said with an "I told you so" look.

"You're always full of surprises maknae." Kyuhyun said with a grin.

After weeks of rehearsals, it was time for the four boys to begin recording. Some of the trainees and the rest of Super Junior were watching them.

"Look at that unnies it's Eric oppa!" Young trainee Seohyun whispered to Sooyoung.

"I know right! Remember he used to sing with us?" Sooyoung whispered back.

Eric Nam: Super Junior's Vocal Maknae Book 1: BeginningsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin