Is this a date?

57 1 0

May 2011

"Crap crap crap crap!" Eric ran in hurry in class. He cursed himself for oversleeping.

"I shouldn't have overslept I'm gonna be late!" Eric ran frantically inside the campus university. He rushed to sit at his desk.

"You're two minutes late Eric. I understand you have a busy job, but finals are approaching soon and you will miss out on important lecturing." The teacher scolded him.

"Mianhe professor." Eric walked down and sat next to Yubin.

"You're late Eric." Yubin whispered.

"I know noona." Eric replied as he scrambled to write notes.

Eric hard a difficult time today with his late appearance. He missed on some basics note and had to ask Yubin for help. He tried his best to pay attention, but he found it difficult. He thought about what ajusshi told him yesterday.

"Mwo? You want me to start my solo, l-like you're actually want me to start it!?"

"That's exactly what I am saying Eric. You been an idol for more than five years, I say that's plenty experience under your belt. You have great potential due to fact you're an overseas Korean. With a background in speaking English, you have potential to crack the international market. Come tomorrow after school to begin rehearsals."

Eric groaned, walking through class with his books on his hands.

"Finals are approaching and ajusshi pulls this on me? I mean I'm grateful of course, but still... At least you could've given me a warning! How am I ever gonna study?" Eric sighed sitting outside the patio where other students were studying.

He took a few minutes to check with his notes. Currently he was learning Aristotle and ethics of human morality.

"What would Aristotle think if he saw how we're living today? Would he be proud of us?" Eric wondered with a laugh.

"Sorry for arriving late Eric. I had a lot of work to go over and the professor wouldn't let us out." Ailee slammed her books on the table.

"I guess I'm not the only one who's struggling today."

"Finals are approaching already. I already stayed up all night writing these flashcards! I brought myself an Expresso to keep me awake among many things!" Ailee shouted hastly taking out her sandwich.

"The stress of the finals never changes. We'll be seniors Ailee, we should be accustomed to things like." Eric laughed.

"That's right this is our final year and next year we graduate. It feels like yesterday we just entered as freshmen and Minzy-ah is supposed be graduating highschool! I must be getting old!" Ailee gasped.

"That's exactly how I feel! Taemin is about to graduate! The fact that my two juniors of SHINee are attending this school, I have to be their senior. Don't get me started on Key's first day of school." Eric remembered the hassle it was in getting Kibum the proper wear for his first day, that and his whining about waking up early.

"Hey Eric, I don't know if it was right time." Ailee struggled to speak, but Eric could see her blush. Now he felt embarrassed.

"I was sort of wondering if you wanted to maybe hang out after school. I kinda need help studying and you're like super smart." Ailee said.

Suddenly a hundred different emotions were running trying to rationalize this.

"Crap is this a date? No, that's silly she's just inviting you for a study session! How can you think about it! She's a friend damn it! You can get trouble for dating another idol!" Eric mentally panicked.

Eric Nam: Super Junior's Vocal Maknae Book 1: BeginningsWhere stories live. Discover now