Ships with SM idols

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Eric x BoA
(Idolization, Caring noona)
One of the sunbaes Eric admires. For the longest he has been a fan of music. A caring senior, she tends to Nam's needs and is responsible for helping become a better dancer. BoA says they should collaborate in the future one day.

Eric x U-know
Yunho is the more serious of the duo. He doesn't partake in the Super Junior's antics as much as Changmin does. He sometimes scolds Changmin for spending too much with them. Lately Nam is trying to warm up to Yunho since they are on break.

Eric x Changmin
(Maknae brothers, supportive friendship)

One of the first sunbaes Eric has met. Changmin's personality is similar to Eric which is why they get along. Ever since the recent lawsuit, he's been Changmin's main support.

Eric x Taeyeon
(Mutual admiration, oldest little sister)
Eric admires Taeyeon for her leadership skills and Taeyeon admires his friendly persona. Taeyeon is like his oldest little sister who knows how to behave. Both admire their great vocal talents.

Eric x Sunny
(Adorable younger sister)

Sunny is the cute younger sister Eric always wanted. Seeing her always smiling is enough to make his day. Sunny loves to spend time with Eric which is why Eric can be a little protective of her.

Eric x Jessica
(American duo, Brother sister relationship)

Being both from America, they share common struggles being caught in two cultures. Eric likes the fact Jessica is well composed and she is someone he can trust with his personal feelings.

Eric x Tiffany
(Chaotic sibling relationship)

Tiffany is that loud chaotic little sister that likes to join in Nam's conversations. They almost always communicate in English and are the reasons for their international appeal (Don't put these together, chaos ensured) If you think Suju is chaotic, you haven't seen Eric and Tiffany) E.L.Fs and SONES love seeing these two talk.

Eric x Hyoyeon
(His problem child)

Hyoyeon is the one of the few idol who isn't affected by Nam's kindness. She slacks off during tutoring and never listens to Eric. Hyoyeon is one of Nam's problem child. What she isn't afraid is calling her sunbae a nerd.

Eric x Yuri
(His flashy little sister)

Yuri was one of Tiffany's close friends which is how Nam met her. Yuri loves showing off her dance moves, even though Eric thinks she goes a little too far with it. He's also protective of her, giving her comfortable clothes after the show.


Eric X Yoona
(Trendy duo, fashion duo)

He has met Yoona during their trainees days. Yoona is his least problematic child of the bunch as her politeness and dignity is something Nam admires her for. Yoona also has a close affinity for Eric which is why she joins Sooyoung and Seohyun in their escipades.

Eric X Sooyoung
(Loud siblings, adorable friendship)

His loud but friendly sister that loves to spend time with him. Sooyoung gets pretty clingy with him and is always the first to shout him out. Fans speculate whether it's beyond a friendship given how casual they with each other.

Eric Nam: Super Junior's Vocal Maknae Book 1: BeginningsWhere stories live. Discover now