[7] - Team Building

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I've been at camp for 5 days now and I'm happy with how well I've been doing. I've been performing well both on and off the pitch. I've made friends like proper friends. I've also gotten to know Jen quite well she is a really big inspiration to me.

We have official team building scheduled today in the common room after training and lunch so that will be interesting.

Once again training goes well, I score 3 goals in the training match and get 2 assists.

"Well done today Blair." Lisa tells me as I walk past her on the way to the changing room.

I nod my head and continue I'm happy for the compliment but I'm not really good at taking them.


"So what do you think the team building will be this afternoon?" Jade asks at lunch.

"Well, they are usually just like getting to know each other exercises." Laura tells her.

Laura is 22 so one of the older ones in the squad.

"Like usually they are quite fun cuz you find out stuff about each other you might not have known otherwise." She continues.

I'm slightly nervous thinking about it. I like to keep my personal life and football separate. This allows me to find an escape in football. I'm sure it will be fine though.


We are all sat round on bean bags in the common room. The staff are all here too some are sitting toward the back of the room like the physio and S&C coach but Lisa and the assistant coaches are sat in the circle with us.

"Right girls, I know this may seem silly but we are just gonna start by going round and telling everyone something interesting or funny about yourself." Lisa says.

"I'll start." She continues. "I can't do more than like 5 kick ups."

Everyone starts to laugh.

"But you used to play for Scotland." Hannah argues.

"Well I guess I've lost my touch." Lisa Jokes back.

The game continues going round the circle now it's Graces turn.

"Ehh ... umm I really can't think of anything." She thinks for a minute.

"My Grans next door neighbour growing up was Lewis Capaldi." She finally says.

We all burst out laughing at the sheer randomness of this. Once everyone calms down I realise it's my turn.

"I can speak Gaelic." I say.

"dè an dòigh, mise cuideachd." Jen says excitedly. (What no way, me too.)

"tha seo cho math, 's gann a tha Gàidhlig aig duine sam bith." I reply. (this is so cool, hardly anyone can speak Gaelic.)

"What are you guys saying." Jade asks.

"Thats our little secret." I reply sarcastically.

Eventually everyone has their go and we move on to the next game. We are playing hot seat. If your name is pulled out the hat you have to sit on the 'hot seat' for 3 minutes and answer quick fire question from the players.

A couple people go and it's actually a really interesting game but I really don't wanna have to do it. The next name is pulled and it's Laura.

Laura takes the seat and the timer starts. People immediately start shouting out random questions and she answers the best she can.

"Favourite food?" Some one asks.

"Sushi." She replies.

"Biggest fear?"

"Ehh spiders."

"In a relationship?"

"No.... Kinda." She blushes.

A couple more stupid questions are asked before the timer goes off.

They pull the next name and typically it's mine.

"Your up kiddo." Jen says as she reads the name.

I sigh before making my way to the chair. Just breathe how hard can it be.

The timer starts and the questions start of easy.

"Favourite colour?"

"Red." I say quickly.

"Dogs or cats."

"Dogs." I say. "Easy."

"Middle name?"

"Rosie." I reply.

The questions continue along this line for a couple minutes then someone asks. "Have you had your first kiss?"

I freeze, I replay the moment in my head when my mother opened my bedroom door and my world broke apart.

"It's meant to be quick fire." Someone shouts giggling.

"Yes I have." I say slightly shook.

"Boy or girl." Someone else shouts out.

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