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February 4th 1985

6:00 AM came faster then I expected. I was lucky enough that we had two cars or I would have to walk to the school in snow. As I got dressed and packed my lunch I couldn't help but resist the urge to walk over to Benders house and punch him in the face. I didn't deserve detention. Yes bad language used in school isn't the best choice but he started it. I wrapped my black and pink sweater around me, my black leggings and boots matching the rest of my outfit. My hair stayed curly and I didn't put make up on, only a bit of eyebrow filler. After I felt comfortable I grabbed my bag and headed out. The school wasn't far but decent enough where I can run to the nearest coffee shop.

I drove a couple miles down and stopped at Charles Coffee. I got out and walked in and ordered my usual. As I came out of the building the snow fell harder and it only pissed me off more.


I walked into the school and went straight into the library where detention was being held. With it almost being seven I was surprised that everyone was there.

"Oh Goodie". I heard someone say.

I looked over to see Claire Standish glaring at me. I started to laugh and made it to my seat behind her.

"What are you laughing at weirdo"? She asked and turned to me.

"Oh nothing. Just the priceless image I'm going to have of you for the rest of my life". I joked.

"Leave her alone. Don't you have some therapy to attend. Go talk it out with someone who cares"? Andrew spoke as he walked in, sitting next to Claire.

"Kylie, hey"! I turned to see Brian.

"What the hell are you doing here"? I hissed and walked over to him at the library door.

He rubbed his hands together and gave me a smile. "I couldn't have you be in here with them. So I went to the swim meet last night and threw flour on the wet swimmers getting out of the pool, Vernon didn't like that". He smiled and I smacked his arm.

"You're so fucking stupid. Why would you do that"? I hissed.

"Cause he's the shits, haven't you heard". Bender spoke as he walked in and stopped at us and took his sunglasses off, staring at Brian and I.

He ushered to Brian to move to the table.

"No". Bender said to Brian who sat at John's seat. Im guessing it was his seat he was at and made him move to the other one across from us. Maybe that was for the best for Brian to go over there. I dont think id be able to handle him all day. Bender pulled one of the other chairs to use as a foot rest and leant back.

Allyson walked in, her head down and bag tight against her body. I really want to get inside of her head.

"Well, well, well. Here we are". Vernon spoke as he walked into the room. His gray suit wrinkled, his hair all over the place and a smug look on his face. "I want to congratulate you all for being on time.

"Sir"? Claire spoke up and raised her hand. "I know this is detention but I don't think I belong here". She pouted.

Vernon ignored her, and started to hand out paper and pencils. "It is now 7:06. You have exactly 8 hours to think about why you are here and if you care to return". He sighed.

"You may not talk". He glanced at Claire. "You may not move from these seats". Just as Brian moved to the other chair. "And there will be no sleeping undestood". He hissed, pulling the chair from Benders feet.

"You will write me a thousand word essay, you may pick any topic but it must deal with why you are here". And he passed a paper to me. What was the whole point to write what we want then?

"When I say essay, I mean and actual essay. Not a single word repeated a thousand times". He gave Bender a paper and pen, only for Bender to drop it to the ground and laugh. Vernon picked it up, slamming it back onto the table.

"Is this a test"? Bender whispered to Brian.

"Any monkey business is ill-advised. You will suffer the consequences. Do you understand, Mr. Bender". He asked looking at John intensity.

"Crystal". John said clearing his throat.

"My office is just across that hall. I don't want to have to come back here got it. Any questions"? Vernon asked and the room was quiet.

"Yeah, I got a question. Where did you get that shirt"? John asked, holding back a laugh.

Vernon turned to look at him and sighed. "I'll tell you next Saturday". He growled and walked out of the library.

John sighed, only to laugh afterwards. "That man is a brownie hound". He spoke as he took off his jacket but stopped when Brian started to.

"I'm cold. I'll just keep this on". Brian spoke as he slipped back into his jacket, John continues to stare at him as Brian gets uncomfortable. "I'm the shit right"? Brian smiles and John looks away.

Bender starts to hum a song as he leaned over the desk out of boredom, making it look like he's at his own rock show. With all of his moving around he got closer to me and I slowly moved my chair to the side. When he stopped his show he turned to me quickly and pulled me back over.

"Shit"! He blurts out. "What are we supposed to do if we have to take a piss"? He jokes.

"Please kill me". Claire whispers. "I can't believe this is happening to me".

The sound of a zipper brought me out of my head when I noticed John doing it himself. I quickly looked away.

"If you gotta go, you gotta go". Bender jokes and shuts his eyes.

"Ay, you aren't urinating in here man". Andrew yelled as he turned around.

"Quiet, it will crawl back up". John chuckled.

"One drop hits the floor I drop you man". Andrew hissed and stood up.

"Totally"? Bender asked. Answering Andrew back like they were surfers. I giggled.

"Totally". Andrew responded.

"You're pretty sexy when you get angry". John chuckled and zipped his pants back up. Growling at Andy.

He leant back into his chair again as he turned to me. I glanced over to see him smirking at me. "Hiya sweets".

I rolled my eyes and faced forward."I feel some tension dollface. Is it me? Did I do something"? He asked but clearly being sarcastic. I rolled my eyes again. Part of me can't help it, no matter how mad I am I want him to talk to me.

"Hey dork, go shut that door. We'll get the party started, starting with red". Bender spoke as he turned to Andy giving him a wink.

"Hey, leave me alone. Nobody here is interested". Claire sassed as she turned around.

"Oh calm down there queenie. I wasnt trying to include you in my fun". Bender said and leaned back again. This time staring at me.

"We can't have any fun in here with Vernon checking us out every minute". He said and got up. Walking to the door.

"Bender, Mr. Vernon said there is not to be any funny business". Brian spoke, Andy standing up now.

"Young man have you finished your paper"?

Bender walked over to the door and stood taller as his hands messed with the lock, seconds later the door slammed shut and he ran back over to the table.

"Fix the door Bender"! Andrew yelled.

"Shut it will you"! Bender spoke as he sat down next to me and crossed his arms.

"Go fix the door"!


"Shut up"!

"Why the hell is that door closed"? Vernon asked, stomping in and putting his hands on his hips.

Shit. John moved his chair closer to me and patted my back in a comforting motion. Claire turned around and made a face at me.

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