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February 20th 1985

This week was one of my tough ones. Monday I had a math test, Tuesday I left to find John, Wednesday I fell in the cafeteria after Brian spilt his milk and didn't tell me so I hit him. Today was just off. I sat on the floor infront of my locker, writing up my college application. I chose to take a year off before starting. I needed to find myself somehow.

"Hey, big party at Stubbys house tomorrow night. You going"? Andrew asked as he was now sitting next to me.

"If I knew stubby I'd go, so no sir I will not be going. John and I have plans". I smiled

"You guys getting serious yet"? He asked.

"Serious as in what? Like sleeping together?" I asked.

Andrew nodded and took a bag of cookies from his bookbag.

"No. We haven't. I don't think I'm ready". I whispered.

"Wait, I thought you weren't a virgin?" He asked.

"What makes you think i wasnt"? I asked and he shrugged his shoulder.

"Jason told the team that you and him did it". He spoke and offered me a cookie.

Anger boiled through me. "Are you fucking kidding me"? I hissed.

Andrew stood up with me as he grabbed my arms and lightly pushed me to the locker. "Okay I know it's not true. I just thought you knew". He whispered.

I tried to catch my breath as the anger built.

"Ah hands, off, now". John said as he was now in my sight. He glanced at me and tried to read my eyes.

"She better be looking like that with something I did Clark. Did you do something"? Bender asked turning to Andrew.

"No. I didn't do anything. I said something she didn't know about". Andrew defended.

"Sweets. Are we about to raise hell or wanna go to my car for a smoke, maybe a rub out"? He asked and I lightly pushed his arms away from me.

"Not now Bender. Where's jason"? I asked.

"Ah she called me Bender. She's mad". John spoke and turned me around. Pointing down the hallway to Jason by his locker.

"Now listen to me. I don't condone violence but if you get a swing in and it connects, then you better get all the anger out of ya baby girl. One day you and I will get out of Saturday detention. They can't keep us there forever"  John lightly smacked my bum as Andrew was now in my vision.

"Think of college. They won't take you with a record". Andrew pointed out.

I sighed and turned back into John's chest, lighty smacking him. His black and green flannel covered with his jean jacket against my face. He calmed me down, but he actually smelt really good today.

"Now tell daddy what happened"? John asked as he pulled me away from his chest.

"He's telling everyone we slept together". I whispered.

"When we're you going to tell me this princess. Our wedding night"? John joked but I wasn't in the mood.

"Okay I get it your mad sweets, but he's a dick. He's not worth it".

I glanced back down the hallway to see Claire at this locker with him. She gave him a kiss goodbye and walked into the art room. I clenched my fist and turned back to John.

"I think your rubbing off on me". I said.

He laughed. "No sweetheart. That's during intercourse". I smacked him.

"How do you come up with these comebacks"? Andrew laughed and John turned to him.

"I take a lot of one a day vitamins". He said and turned back to me.

"What do you wanna do"? He asked me.

I put my stuff down and turned to him. "If I don't stick up for myself now, I'm screwed once you graduate and leave here". I said.

John laughed again and shook his head. "Who says he's graduating". Andrew laughed and John turned to glare at him.

"Such a funny guy. Go wash your jockstrap". He hissed.

While they argued I got away and made it to Jason's locker.

"Oh hey you. How are ya sweetcheeks"? He asked and shut his locker.

"I don't appreciate you telling everyone we slept together. You're a fucking pig". I hissed.

He crouched down and pinched my cheeks. "Oh honey. If you want to sleep with me just ask. You know your pretty hot when you get mad. Let's go take out your frustrations". He smiled and grabbed my arm.

"Dont fucking touch me." I spat as he stood up straight.

"I'll touch what I want. Now, any second your boyfriend will be over here and I'm not in the mood. So, if you wanna get this over with we can go to the gymnasium podcast booth". He smirked.

"Leave my name outta your mouth, do you understand me". I said and pushed him into his locker. Even though he barely moved i got him off balance.

"I want my name leaving yours". He smirked and i went to walk off but he grabbed me again, slamming me to the locker.

John was there in seconds, pulling him off of me and before I could think I swung up, connecting with his face. John then bringing him to the ground. Suddenly Andy was helping John as Jason struggled to get up.

"Kylie"! Brian yelled as he walked down the hall. Ally next to him.

"You're a fucking bitch"! Jason yelled as he got out of John's hold and looked at me. Wiping the blood from his lip.

"That's enough! My office, all of you"! Vernon yelled.

John grabbed my arms and walked me to the office, Brian, Andrew and Ally following. We got into Vernon's office and he slammed his door shut.

"I was nice before. I gave you a warning but this is ridiculous. I'm over all of your bull"! He yelled and turned to John.

"Do you see what you do as a person? You give ideas like this to someone so innocent". Vernon said and pointed at John.

"Mr. Vernon. It was Jason's fault". Brian spoke.

"Shut it peewee. I don't care who's fault it was. Anytime there is an issue it's you five. It's a Saturday for all of you, Bender you might as well just add this on". Vernon hissed.

"Sir, Ally wasn't involved. She just walked up with Brian". Andrew spoke and Vernon shook his head. "I don't care. Leave my office now"!

I stood there as everyone walked out, John still behind me. Vernon looked between John and I and shook his head. "I suspected better". He sighed and shooed us out of his office.

I walked out with John behind me, people staring and whispering. John held my hand as we made it to the cafeteria for lunch. I didn't care anymore. Without John in my life I would have still made poor choices. John just brings the real me out.

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