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(Mature Content)

Brian took another swig of the vodka bottle as Ally turned the music up. I looked over at John who was rolling up a joint, passing one to Andrew. He offered me a hit and I declined it. I needed a clear head.

"So we don't understand pressure huh". Brian asked as he slurred his words.

"Such a bitch". Andrew said as he inhaled the smoke.

John clicked his tongue to the roof of his mouth as he fixed himself, still looking at me. That right there is my weirdo. "Let's just forget about it. If she comes here then thats how she really feels. She knows that". John mumbled.

"What if she doesn't? Where does that leave us"? Ally asked.

John shrugged his shoulders. "That leaves us the same. We are a unit". He said, causing Andrew to laugh.

"Some weird unit". We all laughed.

"Why did we choose to continue to hang out"? Brian asked sitting next to Ally.

I got back on the floor between John's legs. "Because it's easier to be broken together". I sighed.

"Such the misunderstood". John said quietly.

"Such a criminal response". I smirked.

Andrew patted my knee in agreement.  John smacked his hand away. Causing a laugh from all of us.

"Dude. Quit hitting me when i do stuff like that". Andrew chuckled.

"Quit touching my girlfriend". John said and took a hit of his joint finally.

Girlfriend. I liked that. I kissed John's knee and held his leg.

"You guys do make a cute couple". Ally smiled as she sat next to Andrew.

"Really? I tried to make sure she matched my eyes". John chuckled.

"Shes not lying. You guys are good together". Andrew spoke as he took a swig of the wine bottle.

"I never say this but thanks. I give all credit to the girl between my legs, and she gives it to me when im between hers". John smirked and I smacked his leg.


An hour has went by and we decided to put on a movie. Andy and Ally made out the whole time and left somewhere in between. Brian talked John and I to death. I grabbed one of the blankets from above me on the couch and covered John and I up. Brian was now going on about the properties of physics.

"Brian. You sir are a nerd". John laughed and moved his hand under the blanket. I tried to hit him away but he was persistent.

I felt my face get hot as he undid my pants again and started from where we left off. I grabbed a hold of his shirt, squeezing my eyes shut.

"Well if you have absorption and then go down the list to capacitance you have half of the properties down". Brian started.

"You don't say? What else"? John instigated.

He grabbed my hand and pulled it over to him, he already had a hard on. I bit my lip as I dug my hand under his waistband. This was still all new to me. John must have knew because he guided my hand with his free one as he continued to please me.

I moved my hand with his and once I got the hang of it he let go and hissed.

"Physics is key to everything. Just like in shop class. John do you know trigonometry"? He asked John still playing thr video game.

John kept his composer but almost gave it away.

He moved his hand faster and I couldn't keep up. I let out a soft moan before the release, John doing the same.

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