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Brian was humming as he wrote notes down from his physics reading. The other night when he mentioned about hating himself hasn't set right with me. He possibly still couldn't think that way. I looked over to see Claire peaking at him. Was she watching Brian?

I sat on the window ledge in the middle between Andy and John. I nudged Andrew as he looked up from staring at his bicep and smiled.

"Told you". John muttered.

"We need to get that to happen pronto".  Andrew whispered.

"How would you go about that matter sporto? You can't just go up and go Hey Brian Claire's checking you out. Lay her out and do her". John whispered and I smacked his arm.

"He definitely wouldn't do that"? Andrew chuckled.

"We need to get them alone". I whispered.

"That won't work either". John leaned in and whispered back into my ear, purposely spitting when he talked.

I wiped the side of my face off and shook my head. "No, I mean nothing will happen if Jason is around her. He won't let that happen". I said.

"I can distract him. It doesn't take much". John smirked and grabbed his pocket knife from his pocket.

I quickly grabbed it off of him. "No". I hissed.

"I wasn't going to use it on him sweets. Just wanna talk to him". He smirked again and glared at Jason.

"That's real intelligent. First degree murder isn't an option". Andrew whispered.

"Hey sporto"? John called over to Andrew and gave him the finger.

"Enough. both of you". I sighed.

"I can be some help if you need a distraction"? Ally smiled as she walked over.

I gave her a smiled and jumped down off the window.


The plan was in place as Ally sat up and walked over to Jason's table. She slowly sat down and slid him her drawling she made. He looked at it and rolled his eyes. "Not interested. Thanks though". He sighed.

"You're weird". She smirked.

"I'm weird. Have you looked in the mirror"? He asked and she nodded


"Why don't you go see your boyfriend. I bet he's waiting for you". He spoke.

"Its okay. I'm allowed to talk. He let me."

At this point we couldn't contain our laughter. John left where he was sitting and walked over to Brian and explained what we were doing. He tried to make an excuse but once John threatened him he gave in. Now, Brian was on his way to Claire.

"Shit, we didn't give him a topic to discuss "  Andrew said and I face palmed.

"Dont worry I got it covered".  John said as he walked back over.

"What did you tell him"? I asked.

"Oh I didn't say anything. I gave him my stash". He smiled.

As Claire and Brian went to the loft area to smoke, Ally had Jason where she wanted him. He was already uncomfortable when she licked her finger and gave him a wet-willy.

"Is that still a thing"? Andrew asked.

"What? a wet willy"?

"Yeah. That's just an odd thing to do". Andrew said.

"John dont". I laughed as i seen him lick his finger.

Seconds later Ally walked back over and rolled her eyes. "I tried to be weird but I think he caught on". She said as she wiped her ear off.

"Its okay. You tried". Andy smiled and gave his girlfriend a kiss.

"Wonder how it's going up in the loft"? I asked and John stood up. He peaked over the ledge of the loft stairs

"I smell the stash." John said.

"Its the small steps that count". I said and Jason was now standing infront of us.

"I see what you are doing". Jason said and crossed his arms.

"And what would that be"? John asked.

"Claire isn't going to fall for your shit. She's smarter then that". Jason said and turned to walk off.

Andrew pushed his back for him to trip a bit. He turned around and Andrew was in his face. "You've always been a coward. You act tough but you don't do anything about it". Andy spoke.

Jason shook his head and laughed at Andrew. "And you think just because you have some extra muscle with you now your all tough. Hate to break it to Andrew Clark but your still the pathetic piece of shit I met two years ago". Jason sighed.

I noticed John disappear, only to come back smirking.

"An you always had it out with me ever since Claire liked me. Admit it. Your only dating the bag lady because you don't have Claire". He said.

"Your a piece of shit". I snapped.

"Dont act all hard now little one. You're only with John because you can't find anybody else to fuck around with". He said as he glared at me. "Your lucky I even thought about being with you, you're nothing but a pair of tits to look at".

"On a scale of 1 -10 how do you think this conversion is helping you"? John asked as he stood infront of me.

"Back off. I'm done with your childish shit". Jason snapped.

"I'm very interested actually. How close were you to getting action by Claire Standish this evening"? John added, ignoring Jason's other comment

"What the hell are you talking about". He said.

John stood behind Jason and turned his head up to the loft. There we seen Claire and Brian making out.

"You go homeboy"! John cheered.

"Claire"? Jason stopped and was dumbfounded.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the power of the stash"! John laughed and shook Andrew's hand.

"You did this on purpose. All of you". Jason said.

"Yeah. Yeah we did". Andrew laughed pulling Allyson to him. "Next time, don't break up a group who was meant to be together". And with that Andrew smiled and walked off.

Jason looked at me and I kept my stance, my face still. "Are you happy"? He asked me.

I turned to John who stood at the bottom of the loft steps, clapping and shaking both of their hands as they walked down. He may be childish, and hard to deal with sometimes but I wouldn't change it for a thing. I turned back to Jason and nodded.

"Yeah. Im very happy".

"You think that he's gonna last? What's going to happen after he graduates and if he does? Your going to get married, have kids?" He asked.

"Whatever life throws. You can't predict the future." I said.

"Well, if things don't work out. I'll be here waiting." He smirked.

I shook my head and stepped back. "I'm good."

I walked back over to my friend as Brian was all red faced embarrassed. I turned to Claire and wrapped my arms around her for a hug. She accepted the hug and with that we all waited for detention to be over with.

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