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"Why is that door closed"? Vernon barked again, looking at all of us.

"It just closed sir". Bender spoke, his head down.

I quickly looked away. I was not in the mood to be blamed for something else.

"Who closed that door"? He asked now looking at me.

"It just closed. We are not supposed to get up. You said it yourself". I whispered.

John slowly patted my leg as Vernon turned to face Brian and Ally. The goosebumps that came after that made me shiver.

"Who closed it"? He asked again.

"I think a screw fell out of it". John mumbled.

"Give me the screw Bender".

"I don't have it. Screws fall out all the time the world is an imperfect place". Andrew turned to look back as he glared at Bender, then he turned to me. He nudged his head over, like he wanted me to tell on John.

"Do I have to shake that screw outta you"! Vernon threatened, causing John to sit up in his seat.

"Did you just threaten me"? He asked.

"I will not be made a fool of  Bender." He said and walked over to our table. "You think he's cute; you think he's funny is that it"? He asked me and I quickly shook my head.

"If you stick up for him, your punishment will only get worse. So, I'm going to ask again, where is the screw for that door"? He asked.

I started to feel my body shake with fear as moments from when I was little came to mind. Remembering the way Mitch used to talk to me, the way he blamed me for all of his mistakes. When I turned to John, I felt a sense of relief which never happens with anybody. Why would I want someone in trouble? John was harmless in my eyes.

"It just closed, like John said". I whispered. "I promise". I said and Vernon's face changed from Angry to sincere.

Vernon turned to Bender. "You think everything is a big joke, don't you? Getting everyone to play along."

Bender rolled his eyes as Vernon looked around the room at all of us. He knew something was up. Principle Vernon leant against the table, his hands resting in front of him and staring John down intensely. "

"How about another detention, will that make you catch on"? he asked, leaving the boy In front of me with a smug look on his face. Bender did not care, he never did.

"Is that a threat or a promise"? John asked, moving closer to Vernon.

"Oh, you bet your ass it's a promise young man".

John shook his head and rested his back against the seat again, then nodded.

"Sounds good".

"That's another one". Vernon hissed. "Your smart mouth will have you in jail, is that what you want? Are you through"?

Bender laughed. "No".

"Another one right there, instead of prison you'll come here".



"Anymore then this I'm gonna have to check my Calendar". Bender sassed.

"Good luck, because it's gonna be filled"! Vernon spat.

"How many is that"?

"That's five". Brian butted in. "Not forgetting to add the one when you asked where he got his shirt".

"Now its six". Vernon spoke.

"Sorry sir but its five". Brian corrected, causing Vernon to glare at him.

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