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One day. That's all it took for John to explode. One day for everyone to finally hear what he deals with constantly. I clenched the pregnancy test in my pocket as Claire finally stopped crying.

"Kylie I didn't mean to get him upset". Claire said.

I shook my head. It was bound to happen.

"You feeling any better"? Andy asked to change the subject.

"A little". I gripped the stick again, this time feeling like throwing up with nerves.

"Well I'm going to bed. It's almost midnight". Brian said and stood up, Andrew standing with him.

"Night". I whispered.

Claire stood up and walked over to me. "I'm sorry again. I can talk to him if you want". She said and I shook my head.

"No. He just needs time". I spoke.

She gave me a smile and walked into her cabin, leaving me and Ally by the fire.

"You okay"? She asked.

I shrugged my shoulders. I wasn't sure how I was feeling.

"Since everyone is away, it's best to throw that into the fire". Ally mentioned and got up. She walked over to me and kissed the top of my head and walked inside her cabin.

I glanced around to make sure nobody was there and threw the tests into the fire. As I watched the plastic burn I couldn't help but laugh to myself. This was exactly my life and how it was going to go. Burned.


April 3rd 1985

I was sick again this morning but I chose to not make it a big deal. I drank some water and chewed on some crackers as John walked out from the bedroom.

"Hey you". He smiled and walked over to me.

"Hello". I smiled back.

"How ya feeling"? He asked and wrapped his arms around me.

"Oh. Alot better". I lied. I felt like shit.

"Good". He smiled.

When the front door opened I saw Allyson soaked. "Well, it's raining". She sighed.

"That changes the plans. We wre supposed to go water rafting today". Andrew said and rung out his shirt.

Ally quickly turned to me and I shook my head.

"Well, maybe we can just have a quiet day. Maybe smoke a little"? Brian suggested as he ate his cereal.

"Buy your own shit". John sassed from behind me.

"I wanna talk to you guys". Claire spoke up.

We all turned to her as she sat down.

"Please, nothing sentimental this early". John groaned and I lightly hit him.

"This is serious. Please sit". Claire spoke.

We all circled her and sat on the floor.

"I'm moving at the end of this year. Since I'm going to college I chose to move on campus". Claire grinned.

"What? When where you going to tell us anyways, the day you were leaving"? Andrew asked.

"Shes telling you now". John mumbled.

"I didn't want this weekend to go to waste, Cleary it did last night and I don't want that to keep happening. We all tried to be friends at one point but some of us don't like that idea". She sighed.

John tenses up next to me and wrapped one arm around my waist.

"I think it's best to remove myself from the situation. You guys have eachother, I'm just a standby". She spoke softly.

"No. You're always going to he much more." Ally said and wiped her eyes.

"No. It's best. I want to make something of myself and if it means to leave and not look back then thats what I'm going to do". She said.

"You can't run from your problems red". John said as he leaned in. "Dont be like the rest of us". He added.

That struck me differently. Was I trying to run from my problems?

"I'm not running. I'm leading". She smiled.

John nodded.

"Besides, you guys will be doing your own things soon. It's time we spread out". Claire added and stood up.

"What do you mean by that"? Brian asked.

"I mean we all need to dig deep, figure out what we want to do. I already found mine". She smiled and put a folder on the table.

"Harvard. That's where your going"? I asked.

She nodded. "I got accepted to Harvard and Georgetown. I had to pick the one that fit me". She smiled.

I got up and wrapped my arms around her. "Congratulations". I smiled.

"Wait, we need a toast". Andrew said and ran into the kitchen.

He came back with champagne and some red solo cups. He handed the bottle to John for him to open it. I turned to Ally as she nodded. Once John popped it off he filled the glasses. He handed me one first.

Once everyone got a cup Andrew started the toast.

"This goes to all of us. One for the princess who got into her dream school". Claire smiled.

"To the basket case who found her true meaning". Ally smiled.

"To the jock who finally found love". Andrew spoke.

"To the brain who makes his own life now and not following the stereotypes". Brian cheered, giving Andrew a high five.

They turned to me.

"This goes to the misunderstood, and finding someone who understands her". I smiled and turned to John.

"This is for the criminal. I don't have anything else because I just like saying it". He smiled and pulled me into him.

Once they all sipped their drinks back I slowly poured mine into the plant behind me, making sure nobody seen it. I pressed the cup to my lips to make sure they seen me 'drink' it.

"Okay. Lets get this party started". Andy smiled and poured himself another glass.


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